
我希望的美好句子 是云中月 是花间风


I hope I am a gust of wind, come and go, take away your sadness 2 我希望我是漫山遍野的风,在日暮时牵住你的背影

友情提示:本文共有 1876 个字,阅读大概需要 4 分钟。


I hope I am a gust of wind, come and go, take away your sadness.


I hope I am the wind all over the mountains, holding your back at dusk.

3.我希望我是一缕清风, 时空皆不能禁锢我,自由地游荡在广袤天地。

I hope I am a breeze, space and time can not imprison me, freely wandering in the vast world.


I hope I am the wind, the breeze of early spring, and the cold snow, blowing to your trembling eyes.


I hope I am the wind, the cloud, the dust among all things, the sugar coating outside the bitter medicine, and the last red petal of the withered rose.


I hope I am the wind, can hold you without violating morality; I hope I am the fire, can burn you without courage; but I am me, can't kiss you with my eyes closed.


I hope I am a rose, even if I cant surprise time, cant gentle years, still let a person heart, accompany me to watch a sunset.


I hope I am you, can see my efforts, I hope I am you, can say sorry to me.


I hope I am the moon, can see you in the dark night, shine a future for you, watch you cut through the thorns, witness your growth, I hope you often look up the moon, always gentle for you.


I hope I am a breeze, only blowing dust is good; I hope I am a leaf, only belong to a tree is satisfied; I hope I am a cloud, only appear for a moment is good; I hope I am the person who cant meet you, can natural and unrestrained no better.


I hope I am the moon in the clouds and the wind among the flowers. And not only do the moon, not only for the breeze.


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疯狂点赞的句子:听着网易云的音乐 看着心酸的评论!


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