
几条伤感的句子 穿心催泪 让人哭红了眼!


多惨啊!The most sad thing in your life is that when you want to find someone to drink, you find in vain that you have

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The most sad thing in your life is that when you want to find someone to drink, you find in vain that you have no friends around you. What a tragedy!


A person will occasionally go crazy, a person will drink for fun, a person will wander.


One person"s world every day. Only one person is the most real. One smokes and one drinks.


Several friends are simply drunk, but it doesn"t matter if one is drunk. I don"t know whether this is self mockery or comfort.


One eats, one plays, one drinks and one cries. Drinking alone, pacing alone, facing the cruelty of the world alone.


Wine is like a woman, life also has gains and losses. Successful women can be together. Never let men in life. A depressed woman, with tears streaming down her face, raised her glass and got drunk alone.


After losing you, I always drink alone. Drunk.


Wine field life, life wine field, worry or laughter. A table of wine interprets a society; A glass of wine, let Langlang do something.


Alone, working alone, alone, drinking alone.


Some things have no choice, such as drinking, socializing, traffic jam, or falling in love with someone.


So I drank alone, sang alone, lived this boring life alone, bought a mask, pretended to be strong, and jumped into the sea with a smile.

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