


1.1分townA.blow B.power C.grow D.throw解答town中字母ow的发音为 a ;blow中字母ow的发音为 ;grow中字母ow的发音为 ;B项划线部分的发音与所给单词相同

友情提示:本文共有 24108 个字,阅读大概需要 49 分钟。




A.blow B.power C.grow D.throw



A.awake B.action C.pale D.task



A.guest B.giant C.guard D.grey



A.pens B.hopes C.boys D.rules



A.great B.bean C.deaf D.break



A.coach B. cheap C.chemistry D.chance

【解答】stomach[stmk];coach[kt];chemistry[kemstri]。 C项画线字母的发音与题干单词的画线字母的发音相同。故选:C。


7.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Hello,is that Sunshine Hotel ?

﹣﹣﹣Sorry,you must have the wrong number.







8.(1分)﹣﹣﹣How long will your uncle stay here ?

﹣﹣﹣I think about two weeks.






【解答】根据How long可知,时间是答语中的关键词。故选:B。

9.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Is your brother a teacher or a doctor ?

﹣﹣﹣He is a teacher.

﹣﹣﹣A teacher ?()

A.①升调②降调③降调 B.①升调②降调③升调

C.①降调②降调③升调 D.①降调②降调③降调


10.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Excuse me Sir ?

﹣﹣﹣Can you tell me where Maiji Mountain is ?

﹣﹣﹣It"s in Tianshui.It"s a small place,but it has a long history.()

A.①升调②降调③降调 B.①降调②升调③升调

C.①降调②降调③升调 D.①升调②升调③降调



11.(10分)A:You are using your mobile phone again while crossing the street.(1)C

B:No.What happened?

A:A girl was knocked down by a car because she was using her mobile phone.


A:As we all know,mobile phones make it easier for us to communicate with others.(3)F

B:You"re quite right.I won"t do it again.(4)D

A:We shouldn"t use them when we are driving.And we shouldn"t talk on them for too long.


A:No,we can"t.Using mobile phones isn"t allowed on the plane.

B:Oh,I see.







12.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Did you watch My People My Homeland

﹣﹣﹣Sure. It"s ________educational film, and it"s one of ______most popular films .()

A.a;the B.the;a C.an;the D.an;/


13.(1分)English is a bridge the world.()

A.about B.to C.with D.for


14.(1分)We have a holiday during Dragon Boat Day.()

A.three days B.three﹣day

C.three﹣days D.three day"s

【解答】A项three days,三天;B项three﹣day,复合形容词,结构错误,三天的;根据题干,可知空处缺少形容词修饰,符合题意。故选:B。

15.(1分)The model pet is .I made it by .()

A.mine, myself B.my, me

C.mine, me D.my, myself

【解答】第一个空,为了避免与前面名词重复 pet"我的模型宠物"。B。第二个空,填反身代词myself"我自己"。故选:A。

16.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Excuse me.Could you please give me a pen ?

﹣﹣﹣Sure.Here you are.()

A.to write B.writing

C.to write with D.written

【解答】根据题干,可知此处是不定式表目的。write...with a pen,故选:C。

17.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Do you know 5﹣G mobile phone?

﹣﹣﹣Yes,it"s said they at present.()

A.sell well B.are sold well

C.sell good D.are sold good

【解答】答语中的they指的是5 G手机,为不及物动词,故而排除B和D;,应该用well副词来修饰。故选:A。

18.(1分)There is hardly milk in the bottle, ?()

A.is there B.isn"t there

C.is it D.isn"t it

【解答】原句是there be句型,hardly表示否定.故选:A.

19.(1分)It"s raining outside. You"d better in the river this afternoon.()

A.not to swim B.not swimming

C.not swim D.don"t swim

【解答】句子中had better not do sth表示最好不要做某事。故选:C。

20.(1分)Although the book me nearly 100 yuan, it"s really worth .()

A.took,to read B.spent, reading

C.paid, to read D.cost, reading

【解答】took花费,用于句型it takes/ took sb. sometime to do sth.句型;spent花费;paid付款;cost花费。根据题干可知主语是book是物,worth doing sth.固定用法。故选:D。

21.(1分)﹣﹣﹣I like watching cross﹣talk shows because they are very funny.

﹣﹣﹣ .()

A.So I do B.So do I

C.Neither do I D.Neither I do

【解答】根据句意,我喜欢看相声表演。可知,用so不用neither,so do I表示"我也是"。故选:B。

22.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Shall I tell Mike about it ?

﹣﹣﹣No, you .He"s already been told.()

A.mustn"t B.can"t C.don"t D.needn"t

【解答】mustn"t禁止;can"t不能;needn"t不必 already told"他已经被告知了"可知,用needn"t。故选:D。

23.(1分)________ important information you"ve told me!()

A.What a B.How C.What D.How a

【解答】答案C 考查感叹句 ! What用来感叹名词,What后不能加冠词.故选:C.

24.(1分)Is this the best museum you visited last year?()

A.that B.what C.where D.which

【解答】根据题干,可知考查定语从句 best ,当先行词被最高级修饰时。故选:A。

25.(1分)The you practice,the you speak English.()

A.better,more B.more,better

C.much,better D.more,well


26.(1分)Please call me when he back tomorrow.()

A.come B.comes C.will come D.came


27.(1分)﹣How do you like the talk show?

﹣I think it"s ______,but some people think it"s so ______.()

A.wonderful enough,bored

B.enough wonderful,boring

C.wonderful enough,boring

【解答】答案:C.考查形容词的位置?﹣我认为够精彩.wonderful精彩的,修饰形容词;Boring无聊的,bored(感到)无聊的;根据enough的用法可知;根据"but some people think it"s so"以及Boring和bored的用法可知第二个空应填boring.

28.(1分)We often hear her the piano in the room.()

A.play B.playing C.to play D.plays

【解答】hear sb do sth表示听到某人做某事,hear sb doing sth表示听到某人正在做某事。故选:A。

29.(1分)Could you tell me ?()

A.when comes the bus

B.when will the bus come

C.when does the bus come

D.when the bus comes

【解答】根据题干 "Could tell ?"和选项可知,宾语从句要用陈述句语序,排除。故选:D。

30.(1分)My sister with my parents dumplings when I got home yesterday evening.()

A.are making B.is making

C.was making D.were making


31.(1分)﹣﹣﹣What did you learn from the epidemic(疫情)?

﹣﹣﹣ is more important than people"s safety and health.()

A.Everything B.Nothing C.Something D.Anything

【解答】根据语境及关键信息more important than,设空处应用表否定的代词,这里否定词与比较级连用时,因此设空处用不定代词nothing符合语境。故选:B。

32.(1分)Hurry up, we can"t arrive there on time.()

A.or B.so C.but D.and

【解答】or否则、还是;so所以;and和,...we can"t arrive there on time"快点,应该是"否则"or。故选:A。

33.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Jimmy, the toys are everywhere in your room.

﹣﹣﹣Sorry, Mom. I"ll at once.()

A.put away them B.put them away

C.put out them D.put them out

【解答】英语中遇到"动词+副词"词组的时候,如果再遇到代词,故排除A和C,put out意思是"扑灭",那么吉米应该是去"收拾put away",故排除D。故选:B。

34.(1分)Cathy"s father to London last month. He there three times.()

A.went, has gone B.went, has been

C.has gone, has been D.has been, has gone

【解答】last month上个月,要用于一般过去时态,have/has been to去过,there是副词,根据汉语意思:Cathy的爸爸上个月去了伦敦。故选:B。

35.(1分)We don"t know the love of our parents _______ we become parents ourselves one day.()

A.since B.after C.until D.before


36.(1分)﹣Don"t forget to keep a safe distance(距离)at least one meter, Jack!


A.Sorry, I won"t B.No, I can"t do it

C.Not at all D.I hope not

【解答】A.Sorry,我不会了.B, I can"t do it 不;C.Not at all别客气;D;根据Don"t forget to keep a safe distance(距离)at least one meter!可知应说对不起.故选:A.


37.(10分)Every great achievement has been the result of years of dreaming.Even in early times,people could realize the(1) of dreams.If a person has a dream and works hard,he or she will find a way(2)A bring it into success.

Children do not have(3)Dknowledge.However,they are natural dreamers.With their rich imagination,they will (4)Awith fantastic dreams.Many great men were dreamers when they were children.One such dreamer was Thomas Edison.He used to(5) ostracized (排斥)when he was in primary school,but his achievements were greater than(6) in his time.

Teenagers and young people should also(7)Ato dream.They had big dreams and their dreams (8) their lives and even the world.Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are the good examples.They have developed technology and brought great progress to humans besides making money for (9) .

Older people should believe that it is never(10)C late to dream.Everyone has a chance to make dreams come true.

【解答】(1)B.名词辨析。A.important 重要的;C.most important 最重要的。the importance of......的重要性。句意:即使在早期。故选:B。

(2)A.介词辨析。A.to 朝;B.of 属于......的,给;D.at 在。a way to do sth 意为"做某事的方法"。句意:如果一个人有一个梦想,他或她会找到一种方法使它成为成功。

(3)D.形容词辨析。A.many很多的;B.a lot 很多,修饰名词应该用a lot of,修饰可数名词复数,修饰不可数名词,所以用much修饰。故选:D。

(4)A.动词辨析。A.come up 走近,上升,意为"想出;B.catch up 赶上;C.get on 上车;D.deal 对付,买卖 their imagination有了丰富的想象。句意:在他们丰富的想象力下。故选:A。

(5)B.动词辨析。be 是,有;A.being;B.be;C.been;D.is。used to后面跟动词原形。句意:他在小学的时候曾被排斥。故选:B。

(6)B.词组辨析。A.else everyone"s 错误形式;C.everyone else 其他的每个人。在使用比较级时。句子的主语是 achievements ,所以用名词所有格,但他的成就比他那时候其他所有人的都大。

(7)A.动词辨析。A.be encouraged 被鼓励;B.be encouraging,但encourage一般不用进行时,后面需要加宾语,encourage的动词不定式。句子的主语是Teenagers young ,空缺词作句子的谓语,所以用be encouraged。故选:A。

(8)B.动词辨析。A.change 改变,change的过去式,change的动词不定式;D.changing,不能作谓语,排除C和D项 had dreams ,可知要用过去时,他们的梦想改变了他们的生活。故选:B。

(9)B.代词辨析。A.them 他们;C.theirs 他们的(名词性物主代词)。根据前面乔布斯的例子。句意:他们发展科技,也给人类带来了巨大的进步。

(10)C.副词辨析。A.so 如此;B.very 非常;D.to 朝,差,给,意为"太......而不能......",有梦想永远不嫌晚。



(1)If you want to be a postman, you shouldA.

A. be hard﹣working

B. be patient with people

C. be good at English

D. have two years" working experience

(2)A college girl student who is good at English can ask for being .

A. a postman

B. an English teacher

C. an air hostess

D. a tour guide

(3)Wang Ping is 27, a college graduate, and knows two foreign languages. Which job is suitable for her?C

A. Working in Friendship Traveling Company.

B. Working in a post office.

C. Serving for China Airlines.

D. Teaching at Sunshine School.

(4)The tour guides wanted should .

A. have a driver"s license

B. be good at talking to people

C. be good with children

D. speak two foreign languages

(5)Which of the following is true?D

A. If you want to be a postman, you have to work on weekends.

B. If you want to be a teacher, please write to No.38 Zhonghua Rd.

C. If you want to know more information about tour guides wanted, you can send an e﹣mail.

D. If you want to be an air hostess, you must have finished college study.

【解答】(1)A.细节理解题 experience but must hard﹣working,邮递员这个职位不需要工作经验,故选A.

(2)B.细节理解题 and college . Able speak English, with ."可知,故选B.

(3)C.细节理解题 between and .Two languages graduate,王平是一名27岁的毕业生,适合去中国航空公司工作.

(4)B.细节理解题 English good talking people,导游的工作需要很好的英语,故选B.

(5)D.推理判断题 to working ,可知,所以A选项错误 address:Sunshine .com,如果你想成为一名老师 School@163,所以B选项错误 to Traveling to the for information,如果你想了解更多关于导游的信息,所以C选项错误 Hostesses College ,可知,所以D选项正确.

39.(10分)China is a large country. The population is over 1. 3 billion. It has a special culture with a very long history.

Chinese food plays an important role for Chinese families. Different foods have special meanings. The main difference is that Chinese people eat their meals with chopsticks. One of the main foods in Chinese culture is rice. Tea is a favorite drink and it is popular in the market.

Chinese calendar is different from the one used in western countries. New Year"s Day is in late winter. It is also called the Spring Festival. It has a big celebration of ringing out the old and ringing in the new. It has special foods and traditions.For example,sweeping the floor before New year"s Day sweeps away all the old year"s bad luck.

The Chinese zodiac, known as Sheng Xiao, follows a twelve﹣year cycle. Each year is named for an animal. These animal signs are the rat, tiger, rabbit, snake, horse, monkey,rooster, the year that begins in 2016 is the year of the monkey.

Chinese is a complex language. Chinese writing developed almost 4,000 years ago and may even be older.Chinese writing has thousands of characters.A character stands for a word and also a meaning. Besides Putonghua, Chinese people speak six other forms of the languagedialects.

(1)What"s the population of China?

A. Almost 4,000.

B. More than 1.3 billion.

C. 12 million.

D. 1.3 billion.

(2)The underlined "dialects" probably means"C"in Chinese.

A. 交际

B. 对话

C. 方言

D. 沟通

(3)According to the passage,what"s one of the main foods in China?





(4)The year that begins in 2016 isn"t the year of the monkey,is it?A

A.Yes,it is.

B.No,it isn"t.

C.I don"t know.

D.I don"t care.

(5)What"s the main idea of the passage?C

A. Different foods have special meanings in Chinese culture.

B. Chinese is a popular language.

C. Chinese culture.

D. China is a rich country.

【解答】(1)B.细节理解题。根据第一段China a large The is 1. 3 ,人口13亿多。

(2)C.词义猜测题。根据最后一段Besides , Chinese speak other of language, there many of dialects.除普通话之外,中国人说其他六种语言,判断空格处词义为除了普通话之外的语言,故选C。

(3)B.细节理解题。根据第二段One the foods Chinese is ,故选B。

(4)A.细节理解题。根据第四段For , the that in is year the ,2016年开始的那一年是猴年。

(5)C.主旨大意题。根据第一段It a special with a long ,有着特殊的文化,故选C。

40.(10分)Several months ago, an old man in Dalian failed to travel by underground.At the station, he was asked to show his health QR code(二维码), he had to leave the station.

Over 10 years ago, people still had to leave their house to buy a train ticket or pay their bills.Now all these can be done with a smartphone, and,only with a smartphone.On the one hand,the fast development of science and technology is making our life easier. But on the other hand

Many old people have devoted their whole life to working for the society,but now it seems the society has left them behind. What can be done to make a difference? Some volunteers are trying to help. They teach the elderly to use smartphones. However, itonly helps to solve part of the problem.

Many old people have physical problems. Poor eyesight makes reading on small screens difficult. And their less sensitive (灵敏的) fingers make it hard for them to use touch screens. Perhaps these are problems that smartphone makers should try to deal with.

Moreover, if you have grandparents or know some elderly people, lend a helping hand to them when they need it.And remember to be patient. Technologies that you think are easy to learn may be a huge problem for them.

(1)The old man in Dalian left the station because .

A.he had no money to buy a ticket

B.he didn"t have a health QR code

C.he refused to show his smartphone

D.he didn"t want to travel by underground

(2)The example of the old man in Dalian is to showC.

A. technology is improving people"s life

B. old people cannot get used to the society

C. technology has caused problems for old people

D. old people should learn to use the smartphone

(3)The underlined word "it" refers toD.

A. working hard for the society

B. making old people"s life easier

C. old people being left behind by the society

D. teaching old people to use smartphones

(4)From Paragraph 4, we know that smartphone makers canB. to meet the need of the elderly.

A. improve the eyesight of the elderly

B. improve the screen of the smartphone

C. make the words on the screen fewer

D. make the fingers of the elderly more sensitive

(5)In which column of a newspaper can we find the passage?A.





【解答】(1)B.细节理解题。根据文中Several months ago, he was asked to show his health QR code on the smartphone. "What is a QR code?" In the end,几个月前,在地铁站?"老人问。为什么我需要智能手机,他不得不离开车站。故选B。

(2)C.细节理解题。根据文中On the one hand,it is creating problems for old people.可知,科学技术的快速发展使我们的生活更加轻松,它也给老年人带来了问题。故选C。

(3)D.词义猜测题。根据Some volunteers are trying to help. They teach the elderly to use smartphones. However only helps to solve part of the problem.可知。他们教老人使用智能手机,它只能帮助解决部分问题。故选D。

(4)B.推理判断题。根据Many old people have physical problems. Poor eyesight makes reading on small screens difficult. And their less sensitive (灵敏的) fingers make it hard for them to use touch screens. Perhaps these are problems that smartphone makers should try to deal with.可知。视力差使在小屏幕上阅读困难。也许这些都是智能手机制造商应该努力解决的问题,我们知道智能手机制造商可以改善智能手机的屏幕。故选B。

(5)A.推理判断题。根据 ,but now it seems the society has left them behind. What can be done to make a difference, it ,许多老年人一生都致力于为社会工作,社会把他们抛在了后面?一些志愿者正在努力提供帮助。然而。这属于社会问题。故选A。











44.(1分)herhers (名词性物主代词)













【解答】careful 的中文意思是细心的,它的反义词是careless(粗心的).




50.(1分)full (动词)fill




51.(1分)My parents were born in thetwentieth( twenty) century.

【解答】根据句意:我的父母出生于二十世纪.可知考查: .


52.(1分)Neither of them is from Africa.They are both Americans.

【解答】根据They are Americans"他们两个都是美国人"及首字母提示可知。填不定代词Neither。


53.(1分)Unluckily,he lost the ability to walk forever.

【解答】根据Unluckily,he lost the...to walk forever"不幸的是,应该是"能力"。


54.(1分)Don"tpretend(假装)to be working hard, the result won"t play with you.



55.(1分)We think his suggestion isvaluable(有价值的) to us.


根据We think suggestion to .可知我们认为他的建议对我们有价值,后面跟形容词做表语,形容词.故填valuable.


56.(10分)Every year after the Gao Kao, many students pass the exam and succeed in(1)entering (enter) colleges . (2)Compared(compare) with them, others are not that lucky.They fail,and they are so sad(3)thatsome even do some crazy things. It was reported that students dove off a high building to end their(4)lives.

I think they would regret (5)doing such a silly thing .Each person is born with an ability to succeed. If he or she can"t do one thing well, he or she can do another well.

We may meet many problems to achieve(6)ourdreams, but we should try our best (7)to solve (solve) them. We should learn to make proper(8)decisions(decide).There are many choices except(9)choosingdeath.

In general, we should never do anything(10)harmful (harm) to ourselves.


(2)Compared.考查。根据compared with为固定搭配,位于句首首字母大写。



(5)doing.考查。regret doing为固定搭配,再根据"___ such a thing"可知,因此用实义动词do的ing形式doing。


(7)to solve.考查。try ones best to do sth为固定搭配,因此填to solve。

(8)decisions.考查。make a decision为固定搭配,因此decision用复数形式decisions。




57.(2分)His uncle bought him a new watch.(改为同义句)

His unclebought a new watchfor him.

【解答】buy﹣﹣﹣bought,买,常用词组buy sb. sth.=buy sth. for sb.为某人买某物。


58.(2分)The population of the city is 200 million.(对画线部分提问)

Whatisthe population of the city?

【解答】英语中询问人口数量,要用疑问词What,be动词is提到主语the of city之前。


59.(2分)She doesn"t know which one she will choose.(改为简单句)

She doesn"t know which onetochoose.


故填to choose。

60.(2分)I know the boy. His mother is a doctor.(合并为一句)

I know the boywhose motheris a doctor.

【解答】I know the boy.是主句,后面是定语从句,指代"那个男孩的母亲",表示某人的,be动词用is。


61.(2分)They did some research on their tasks.(改为否定句)

Theydidn"tdoany research on their tasks.

【解答】原句中主语为They, 谓语动词did,改为否定句。




(1)Using chopsticks and spoons to share food is a big part of Chinese culture. (2)几千年以前中国人就开始使用它们。People usually used their own chopsticks and spoons to share food with others.They thought it was a way to show love.But now,(3)因为新冠病毒(COVID﹣19)这种饮食习惯可能是危险的。 People with the virus may infect(传染)others.

(4)So more and more restaurants begin to offer serving chopsticks and spoons now.Such chopsticks and spoons are used when people want to fill their plate or bowl.They are not put in anyone"s mouth.

And they are popular at home,too.Some people once started an activity called "Use Serving Chopsticks with People You Like".(5)It is telling people that the use of serving chopsticks shows love,not rudeness(无礼).


(2)Chinese people used them thousands of years ago.

(3)Because of COVID﹣19,this eating habit may be dangerous.



【解答】(1)用筷子和勺子分享食物是中国文化的一大组成部分。英译汉;share food 分享食物;故答案为:用筷子和勺子分享食物是中国文化的一大组成部分。

(2)Chinese people used them thousands of years ago.汉译英。Chinese people 中国人,根据语境可知本句要用一般过去时态;thousands of years ago几千年前

(3)Because of COVID﹣19。Because of ;this eating habit 这个饮食习惯;dangerous危险的 COVID﹣19

(4)所以现在越来越多的餐馆开始提供公筷和勺子。英译汉;more and more restaurants 越来越多的餐馆 do sth.开始做某事;now现在。

(5)它在告诉人们使用公筷是爱,而不是无礼;the use of serving chopsticks 使用公筷,not rudeness(无礼).显示的是爱。故答案为:它在告诉人们使用公筷是爱。


63.(10分)文中共有10处语言错误,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(/),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线( ),并在该词的下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Good morning.I"m very happy be here today.It is a great honour to be inviting to speak to you and to wish you well in the future.In my way to the hall just now,I stop by some of your classrooms and read the notes you left for one other.Some of them made me to laugh and some almost brought tears to my eyes.All of us have some great memories of this period.

Time has gone by quick.I"ll give you some advices before you graduate.Sometime life is not easy.At times it can be very hard.Please always remember to be brave.Not forget to be your best.At last,I"d like to give my best wishes and congratulations to you!

【解答】I"m very happy be here today.

(1)be前加介词to.句中是固定搭配be happy to do sth结构,意为"乐意做某事"。

It is a great honour to be inviting to speak to you and to wish you well in the future.

(2)inviting改为invited.题干to be...结构是句子真正的主语,这里意为"很荣幸能被邀请给你们讲话,因此应用to do不定式的被动结构。故答案是inviting改为invited。

In my way to the hall just now,I stop by some of your classrooms and read the notes you left for one other.

(3)In改为On.根据语境,此处是on one"s way to短语,符合语境。

(4)stop改为stopped.根据语境及时间状语just now,句中谓语动词应用一般过去时态,书写时注意双写字母p。


Some of them made me to laugh and some almost brought tears to my eyes.

(6)去掉laugh前的to.题干是固定搭配make sb do sth结构,laugh前不能接to。

Time has gone by quick.

(7)quick改为quickly.这里应用副词修饰动词短语gone by,表"时间过得很快"。

I"ll give you some advices before you graduate.


Sometime life is not easy.


Not forget to be your best.










2. 80字左右(短文开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数);



draw one"s attention;have influence;enhance(增强); keep an eye out for; protect...from; fight against; evil(恶行)

How to protect ourselves in school violence

Dear friends,

During these years, some seriously violent incidents happened in school,resulting in very bad results.

That"s all.Thank you!


How to ourselves school

Dear friends,

During these , some violent happened school in bad

As a student,we should learn some knowledge about how to deal with the violence and enhance the ability of self﹣protection.【高分句型一】(要求每个学生都学习相关知识

Of course,if we meet the violence,we"d better keep calm,we should try our best to escape or prevent the violence. At last but not least

I hope everyone will unite to fight against evil and the campus will become better.

That"s all.Thank !


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