


2021年广西贵港市中考英语试卷一、一听句子,选择与句子内容相符的图片。每个句子读一遍。1.4分选择与句子内容相符的图片。1 2 3 4 二听句子,选择

友情提示:本文共有 19386 个字,阅读大概需要 39 分钟。




(1) (2) (3) (4)


2.(1分)A.20 dollars.

B.5 kilometers.

C.2 minutes.


B.Good idea.

C.You"re welcome.

4.(1分)A.Every day.

B.To the city park.

C.On May 1st.

5.(1分)A.Yes,he has.

B.Yes,he did.

C.Yes,he does.

6.(1分)A.It"s delicious.

B.It"s sunny.

C.It"s white.

7.(1分)A.With her friends.

B.To work harder.

C.An engineer.


8.(1分)A.On the desk.

B.On the sofa.

C.On the chair.






C.Of medium height.

11.(1分)A.Teacher and student.

B.Mother and son.

C.Doctor and patient.

12.(1分)A.Study for the math test.

B.Go camping.

C.Hang out.


13.(2分)(1)Where is the cinema?

A.Next to the bank.

B.Across from the bank.

C.Behind the bank.

(2)How long will it take the girl to get to the cinema by bus?

A.About 5 minutes.

B.About 15 minutes.

C.About 20 minutes.

14.(3分)(1)What was Alan doing at 5:00 yesterday afternoon?

A.He was washing clothes.

B.He was doing homework.

C.He was watching TV.

(2)What sport does Alan prefer?




(3)How often does Jimmy play basketball?

A.Every day.

B.Once a week.

C.Twice a week.


15.(5分)(1)How many subjects does Dave like?




(2)What does Dave think of physics?




(3)What is Mr.Smith like?

A.Kind and humorous.

B.Outgoing and humorous.

C.Kind and shy.

(4)When does Dave usually play soccer?

A.Before PE.class.

B.After P.E.class.

C.After school.

(5)What is Dave learning in computer class now?

A.To draw.

B.To create a website.

C.To play chess.

(五)听短文,请根据所听到的内容,完成下面的表格(每空一词)。 短文读两遍。



17.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Where do you usually have_______ lunch,Susan?

﹣﹣﹣At school.()

A.a B./ C.an D.the

18.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Would you like something to drink,Judy?

﹣﹣﹣Yes.Some______ is OK.()

A.bread B.ice cream C.salad D.milk

19.(1分)﹣﹣﹣________ is in the classroom.Where are the students?

﹣﹣﹣They are all in the chemistry laboratory.()

A.Somebody B.Anybody C.Nobody D.Everybody

20.(1分)﹣﹣﹣What do you think of Jack?

﹣﹣﹣He is honest.All of us ______ him.()

A.trust B.refuse C.protect D.hate

21.(1分)﹣﹣﹣We can"t get on or off a bus ______ it is moving.

﹣﹣﹣You"re right.()

A.unless B.before C.while D.until

22.(1分)﹣﹣﹣So many people are talking and laughing loudly on the subway.

﹣﹣﹣Yes.It is too ______ ,I can"t stand it.()

A.lovely B.funny C.happy D.noisy

23.(1分)﹣﹣﹣What time is it now?

﹣﹣﹣I can"t tell you the time ______ ,but I know it"s too late.()

A.exactly B.suddenly C.politely D.wisely

24.(1分)﹣﹣﹣My grandma is used to ______ in the countryside.

﹣﹣﹣Oh.So is my grandma.()

A.live B.lives C.living D.lived

25.(1分)﹣﹣﹣What is Tom doing?

﹣﹣﹣He is______ the English speech in the hall.()

A.paying for B.preparing for

C.caring for D.looking for

26.(1分)﹣﹣﹣What happened to Robert?

﹣﹣﹣He ______ from the tree and hurt his left leg.()

A.fell down B.fell over C.went off D.went by

27.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Where does Bill live?

﹣﹣﹣He ______ me his address,but I can"t remember it now.()

A.tells B.told C.is telling D.will tell

28.(1分)﹣﹣﹣ Is your father strict with you?

﹣﹣﹣Yes.He takes my grades as _______ as my teachers do.()

A.serious B.more serious

C.seriously D.more seriously

29.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Mum,could I help you take out the rubbish?

﹣﹣﹣Sure.But it ______ into different kinds for recycling first.()

A.separates B.should separate

C.was separated D.should be separated

30.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Could you tell me________?

﹣﹣﹣Yes.The famous volleyball coach Lang Ping.()

A.who do you admire

B.who you admire

C.what sports do you like

D.what sports you like

31.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Can you have a picnic with me this Sunday,Cindy?

﹣﹣﹣______ .It depends on whether I"m free or not.()

A.I"m not sure B.Lucky you

C.Thank you D.Have a good time


32.(10分)Do you like to drink hot water?Compared (1) people in most other countries,Chinese people especially like to drink warm water.Do you know why?

In the old days,people drank water from the (2) .The bacteria (细菌) in it could make them(3) .Ancient people around the world used different(4) to kill the bacteria in the water.For the Chinese,they thought drinking boiled water was the easiest way to protect(5) from the harmful bacteria.

What"s more,in traditional Chinese(6) , "yin" and"yang"mean cold and hot energy.It was believed that the power of your body(7) "yang".And drinking hot water could nourish (滋养) the"yang" energy.That"s(8) traditional Chinese doctors always suggest people should not drink cold water.

Besides this,before people in northern China had central heating (中央供暖),it was hard for them (9) the cold in winter.Drinking hot water helped them keep warm.Another reason is that since the early 20th century,the Chinese government has (10) people to drink more warm water.It has also helped the Chinese to form this special habit.


33.(10分)Humans have many organs (器官),but you can enjoy lots of things because of your ears.Do you know how the ears work?

The ear has three parts:the outer ear (外耳),the middle ear and the inner ear (内耳).The outer ear is the part you can see.It collects sounds around you.The sounds then travel down to the middle ear

Your ears never stop working,even when you are asleep!In other words,your ears continue hearing soundsignores them.

But ears do more than hear.They help you keep balanced (平衡的),too.In the inner ear,there are organs that are filled with liquid (液体),the liquid and hairs move,too.They send messages to your brain about the position of your head.

More surprisingly,ears even help to taste food.Of course,you don"t actually taste food with your ears.But there are nerves (神经)(舌头) to the brain.If something happens to your ears,you might have a hard time telling different tastes.

The ears are truly important organs.We should protect our ears well.

(1)How many parts does the ear have?





(2)What does the underlined word"ignores" mean in Chinese?





(3)Besides hearing,what else can ears do?

A.Help taste food and tell colors.

B.Help keep balanced and tell colors.

C.Help keep balanced and taste food.

D.Help keep balanced and wake people up.

(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The inner ears can collect sounds around you.

B.Your ears stop working when you are asleep.

C.If something happens to your ears,you might tell different tastes easily.

D.The organs in the inner ear are filled with liquid and covered with small hairs.

(5)What"s the main idea of the passage?

A.How ears work.

B.What cars can hear.

C.How we protect ears.

D.Where ears send messages to.

34.(10分)In China,Teachers" Day was first celebrated on September 10,1985.Now people celebrate it on September 10 every year.On this special day,flowers,fruits and other small gifts to show their respect (尊重)(感激).

In the United States,Teachers" Day is known as "National Teacher Day".It"s on Tuesday during the first full week of May.The day is celebrated by students to show their appreciation for their teachers with flowers,thank you cards and other gifts.

In India,Teachers" Day is celebrated on September 5 in honor of (纪念) the second president of India.September 5 is his birthday.Traditional songs are sung(背诵) and dramas are performed by both junior and senior students.

In Russia,Teachers" Day was celebrated on the first Sunday of October between 1965 and 1994.Since 1994,the day has been celebrated on the 5th of October,competitions,dramas,some schools reward (奖励) their teachers for their efforts.

Teachers" Day is celebrated in Vietnam (越南) on November 20th.It was first celebrated in 1958.Since 1982,the day has been named"Vietnamese Educators" Day".Students hold the Teachers" Day parties at their schools to celebrate it.

(1)When did Chinese people celebrate Teachers" Day for the first time?

A.In 1958.

B.In 1965.

C.In 1985.

D.In 1994.

(2)In India,students celebrate Teachers" Day by doing the following things EXCEPT .

A.singing songs

B.reciting poems

C.performing dramas

D.playing games

(3)In ,people celebrate Teachers" Day in September.

A.China and India

B.India and Russia

C.India and the United States

D.China and Vietnam

(4)Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Five countries are mentioned in this passage.

B.Teachers" Day is known as"National Teacher Day" in America.

C.Teachers" Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of October in Russia now.

D.Chinese and American students give their teachers thank﹣you cards on Teachers" Day.

(5)The passage may be from .

A.a novel

B.a magazine

C.a guide book

D.a notice

35.(10分)247 graduate students of Fudan University have volunteered to teach the children in Xihaigu region (地区) of Ningxia for the past 22 years.The region used to be poor because of its terrible natural environment. "We expect to make a difference to the children"s life by sharing our knowledge in different fields," one of the volunteers says.

The students have different abilities,so the volunteers have used different teaching methods to help them develop good study habits."Local children had never learned English before,so we started with basic knowledge like English letters and pronunciation,a Fudan volunteer.The volunteers help the students remember English words,read articles and deal with their study problems.

"We visit the students" homes in our free time.We communicate with their parents so that we help the parents understand the importance of children"s education,because the parents didn"t care much about it years ago," explains Yang Chenhaotong,who was the leader of the volunteer team in 2019.According to Yang

The volunteers have helped the local children with their studies.They have also set up football clubs and held many ball games to make the children"s life colorful.Fudan University has also given away more than 10 million yuan to the region to build playgrounds (操场) and other buildings over the past 22 years.

"Thanks to my volunteer teacher,my life has changed a lot.I will study hard and become an excellent person like her,"Li Sumei,says excitedly.

(1)What do the volunteers expect to do in Xihaigu region?

A.To make a difference to the children"s life.

B.To make the volunteers" life more interesting.

C.To change the bad natural environment in the region.

D.To make people know more about Fudan University.

(2)Why did the volunteers teach the children the English basic knowledge first?

A.Because the children had different hobbies.

B.Because the children were not clever enough.

C.Because the children thought English was difficult.

D.Because the children had never learned English before.

(3)What does the underlined word"it"mean in Paragraph (段落) 3?

A.Children"s ability.

B.Children"s life.

C.Children"s education.

D.Children"s health.

(4)How did the volunteers make the children"s life colorful?

A.By having English spelling competitions.

B.By having the English corner once a week.

C.By inviting the parents to the School Day once a year.

D.By setting up football clubs and holding many ball games.

(5)What"s the best title of the passage?

A.Making the Poor Region Rich

B.Volunteering in Xihaigu Region

C.How to Change Parents" Minds

D.How to Be Excellent Volunteers


36.(1分)Look!Some girls are dancing u the tree.

37.(1分)Sally always feels n when her teachers ask her questions.

38.(1分)Everyone should take action to s the animals in great danger.

39.(1分)On such a hot day,I am tired and t .Please give me some water.

40.(1分)The Internet is very useful and it can offer p of information to us.

41.(1分)Lang Lang is a talented (钢琴家).He has lots of fans.

42.(1分)I want to look up the word.Could you (借给) me a dictionary?

43.(1分)Look at the sign!Taking photos is not allowed in this (博物馆).

44.(1分)After watching the (网球) game,he is crazy about this kind of sport.

45.(1分)In order to see the blackboard (清楚地),she must wear glasses every day.



Yuan Longping, "Father of Hybrid (杂交) Rice"(1) .He spent most of his life (2) rice in the fields.In 1974,he and his team (3) in developing a set of technologies for producing hybrid rice.

The yields (产量) of the"Super Rice"are 30 percent (4) than those of common rice.By his achievement,China can feed her 1.4 billion (十亿) population.Since 1979(5) proud of him.We"ll remember him forever.


47.(10分)On December 26th,2020,China passed a new law to protect the Yangtze River(生效) on March 1st,2021.It"s the first law to protect a waterway in China.

The 6,397﹣kilometer Yangtze River is the longest river in Asia.It covers an area of about 1.8 million square kilometers,about one fifth of the national total.The Yangtze River provides one third of the country"s freshwater resources (淡水资源),such as heavy pollution and overfishing.

Especially,the river"s Chinese paddlefish (白鲟),China put a 10﹣year fishing ban (禁令) at the beginning of this year to protect fish resources.

According to a report of the government,the fishermen said they would give up fishing along the Yangtze River to protect the"mother river".Chinese officer Han Zheng said that more support should be given to the fishermen to help them find new jobs and places to live.

Yangtze River Protection Law includes resource protection and green development.The government says the purpose of the new law is to strengthen (加强) environmental protection,use resources well and make the development sustainable (可持续的).

(1)When did the new law pass?

(2)How long is the Yangtze River?

(3)Did the fishermen agree to give up fishing along the Yangtze River?

(4)What does the new law include according to the passage?

(5)What is the passage mainly about?








Dear Mark,

How"s it going?I"m glad to share my new school rules with you.


What about your school rules?Please write soon.


Li Hua




















18.解答:结合句意,﹣﹣Judy?﹣﹣是的。结合选项,ice﹣cream冰淇淋,milk牛奶 you something drink?是询问要什么喝的东西。


19.解答:somebody某人;anybody任何人;everybody所有人 are students,可知学生们都不在教室里。


20.解答:trust信任,refuse拒绝,hate讨厌 is ,因此判断我们都信任他。




22.解答:lovely 活泼的;funny 幽默的;noisy 吵闹的。——是的,我难以忍受,地铁上人们在大声说笑。


23.解答:A表示确实、准确地,C表示礼貌地。根据题干中but I ,则A选项符合题意。


24.解答:句子中be used to doing sth表示习惯于做某事。


25.解答:pay for支付,prepare for准备,照顾,根据后面the English speech英语演讲。


26.解答:fall﹣﹣﹣fell,fall down摔倒,fall over摔倒,go﹣﹣﹣went,go by经过 the and his leg可知,伤了左腿。








30.解答:根据题干 "Could you tell me ?"和选项可知,宾语从句三要素:语序,引导词,选项AC为疑问句语序。由答句中回答"著名的排球教练郎平"可推出是问"你欣赏谁"的。




32.解答:(1)B 介词辨析,B具有,和,D在...里,故答案是B。

(2)A 名词辨析,B沙漠,D冰箱 the days drank from 在旧社会,故答案是A。

(3)D 形容词辨析,B强壮的,D病的 bacteria in could them,故答案是D。

(4)A 名词辨析,B任务,D物体,应该是不同的地方的人想不同的方法杀毒。

(5)C 代词辨析,B他自己,D你们自己,应该是对于中国人来说,故答案是C。

(6)A 名词辨析,B艺术,D行为。及"yin" cold hot ,可知是医药学上的称呼。

(7)D 短语辨析,B脱下,D来自 was that power your ,故答案是D。

(8)B 副词辨析,B为什么,D什么,故答案是B。

(9)C 非谓语动词辨析,故答案是C。

(10)D 动词辨析,B计划,D鼓励,这里people drink warm 应该是鼓励人们多喝热水。

33.解答:(1)B.细节理解题。根据第二段The has parts可知耳朵有三个部分。

(2)D.词义猜测题。根据第三段Your never working when are !你的耳朵永远不会停止工作,因此判断换言之你听不到声音是因为大脑忽略了它们,故选D。

(3)C.细节理解题。根据第四段和第五段They you balanced ,too.More ,ears help taste 。更让人惊讶的是,故选C。

(4)D.细节判断题。根据第四段In inner ,there organs are with (液体) covered small ,有充满液体和被小毛发覆盖的器官。

(5)A.主旨大意题。根据第一段Do know the work,可知本文主要讲了耳朵如何工作。

34.解答:(1)C.细节理解题。根据第一段In ,Teachers" was celebrated September ,1985.可知在中国,故选C。

(2)D.细节判断题。根据第三段Traditional are ,poems recited and are by junior senior ,背诵诗歌并且表演戏剧,故选D。

(3)A.细节理解题。根据第一段和第三段Now celebrate on 10 year.In ,Teachers" is on 5 in of the president India.现在每年人们在9月10日庆祝教师节,为了纪念印度第二任总统教师节在4月5日庆祝,故选A。

(4)C.细节判断题。根据第四段In ,Teachers" was on first of between and ,1965年到1994年期间教师节在10月第一个星期天庆祝,与原文不符,故选C。

(5)B.文章来源题。根据第一段In ,Teachers" was celebrated September ,1985.在中国,可知本文主要介绍了世界各地的教师节,故选B。

35.解答:(1)A.细节理解题。根据第一段"We to a difference the life sharing knowledge different ," one the says."我们期待通过在不同的地区分享我们的知识以影响孩子的生活,可知在西海固地区的志愿者期待影响孩子的生活。

(2)D.细节理解题。根据第二段"Local had learned before we with knowledge English and ," says Lianshuo,a volunteer."当地的孩子以前从来没有学过英语。"李连硕,可知他们从基础知识教是因为他们以前从来没学过英语。

(3)C.词义猜测题。根据第三段We with parents that help parents the of education我们和他们的父母交流以便于我们帮助父母理解儿童教育的重要性,因此猜测划线单词的含义为儿童的教育。

(4)D.细节理解题。根据第四段They also up clubs held ball to the life ,故选D。

(5)B.文章标题题。根据第一段247 students Fudan have to the in region of for past years.在过去的22年中247位从复旦大学毕业的学生志愿去宁夏的西海固地区教授孩子们,因此判断本文最好的标题为在西海固地区当志愿者


故答案为 under。


故答案为 nervous。


故答案为 save。

39.解答:根据句意"这么热的天,我又累又______,由下文Please give me some water,表示"渴"。

故答案为 thirsty。

40.解答:根据句意"互联网非常有用,它能为我们提供______信息",构成短语plenty of。

故答案为 plenty。



42.解答:根据题干和句意,可知此题考查动词lend "借给";Could后跟动词原形。

故答案为:lend .



44.解答:根据提示"网球"可知,tennis game"网球比赛"固定搭配。





(2)growing.考查动词。句意:他一生大部分时间都在田里种水稻,是在田里种植水稻;spend time doing sth.花费时间做某事,故填growing。

(3)succeeded.考查形容词。句意:1974年。succeed in doing sth.成功地做成某事,succeed的过去式是succeeded。

(4)higher.考查形容词比较级。句意:"超级水稻"的产量比普通水稻高30%,China can feed her 1.4 ,用其比较级修饰higher。

(5)really.考查副词。根据"We Chinese are...proud of him"结合袁隆平的而成就可知,用real的副词形式really表示"确实,在句中作状语。

47.解答:(1)On December ,2020.细节理解题 December ,2020 passed a law protect Yangtze ,the"mother China"2020年12月26日,中国的"母亲河",新法律是在2020年12月26日通过 December ,2020.

(2)6,397﹣kilometer 。根据第二段"The 6 Yangtze is longest in 。可知,397﹣kilometer ,397﹣kilometer .

(3)Yes,they did.细节理解题 to a of government fishermen they give fishing the River protect river".据政府报道,他们将放弃在长江沿岸捕鱼。可知。故填:Yes

(4)Yangtze River Law resource and development.细节理解题 River Law resource and development"可知。故填:Yangtze Protection includes protection green

(5)The first to a waterway China.主旨大意题 December ,2020 passed a law protect Yangtze ,the"mother China.It Yangtze Protection took (生效) March ,2021.

It"s first to a waterway China."020年12月26日,中国的"母亲河"。它生效(生效)3月1日。这是中国第一条保护水道的法律,本文主要向我们讲述了中国第一条保护水道的法律《长江保护法》 first to a waterway China

48.解答:Dear Mark,

How"s going glad share new rules you.Recently,many schools have formulated new school rules.No cell phones in class. (手机)At least nine hours a day. (睡眠)【高分句型一】Read a good book a week.(阅读) Exercise for an hour a day.(锻炼) No fighting.Follow the traffic rules. (安全)I think these rules are good for our healthy growth. 【高分句型二】So I must follow them.(看法)

What your rules write


Li Hua


英语班主任:100个英语句子包含7000个单词 积累好 英语拿高分

英语班主任:100个英语句子包含7000个单词 积累好 英语拿高分


2022-11-13 #经典句子

从高考英语文章来源 剖析高考英语句子成分——训练英语精读理解

从高考英语文章来源 剖析高考英语句子成分——训练英语精读理解


2022-11-17 #经典句子

高考满分素材云集 英语作文万能句子 从此英语作文不发愁!

高考满分素材云集 英语作文万能句子 从此英语作文不发愁!


2022-11-11 #经典句子

高中英语干货/英语作文万能句子  不可不知 建议收藏

高中英语干货/英语作文万能句子 不可不知 建议收藏

英语作文对于考生来说很容易出现两极分化,这其实很正常,英语作文是实打实的考察你的基础知识,一篇好的作文一定有着恰当的语法和丰富的词汇。不会吧?你还在动不动就写Every day?【吃瓜】哈哈哈哈哈估计改卷老师都看...

2022-11-11 #经典句子

高中英语:背熟这145个万能句子 让英语作文充满“高级感”

高中英语:背熟这145个万能句子 让英语作文充满“高级感”


2022-11-11 #经典句子

英语零基础学什么?英语句子很重要 不仅学单词 还能练听力

英语零基础学什么?英语句子很重要 不仅学单词 还能练听力


2022-11-12 #经典句子

高中英语作文 万能句子 学霸的高分套路 吃透 英语打底135+

高中英语作文 万能句子 学霸的高分套路 吃透 英语打底135+


2022-11-14 #经典句子

初中英语语法:英语句子成分分析 需重点掌握!

初中英语语法:英语句子成分分析 需重点掌握!


2022-11-17 #经典句子

如何写好英语句子?权威教学 必须收藏|英语写作

如何写好英语句子?权威教学 必须收藏|英语写作


2022-11-19 #经典句子