
冷漠又高级的个性句子 个性又高级 适合发圈



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Forget it. If he missed you as much as you missed him, he would have contacted you. Although he has done many wonderful things with him in your mind, all this is just your fantasy.


I thought birds could not fly over the sea, but birds could not fly over the sea. Years later, I discovered that it was not the birds that could not fly, but the other side of the sea that did not wait.


I miss Hongyan 1000 times, ask the bright moon 10000 times and ask the spring breeze. May Hongyan bring you my love. May the bright moon bring you my greetings; May the spring breeze give you my concern!


I also want to have someone so that I can choose to wait with peace of mind.


Tired, lie down, you still have a lot of homework. How about tomorrow morning"s registration? In the past, tomorrow"s beauty queen is waiting for you! Come on! Come on. boss


Clear, crystal clear, but cool. Do you think that Qiu Meng is like spring?


After you left, the only thing I can do is wait for you to come back.


I met someone, which made my time amazing. I was waiting for someone to soften my time.


Senior one, senior two, senior three, what else is waiting for me after graduation?


After breaking up, I still know you, but I don"t want to see you again. If you live well, I won"t bless you. I won"t laugh at your bad life. Your world no longer has me, my world no longer has you. Will not doubt each other"s decision, because there is no turning back. Will not try to save, because we are strangers from now on. In fact, no one can"t live without anyone. I can"t cherish you any more. Sorry, what I lost is what you lost. .

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