
多次烧成 Repeatedly firing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-27 00:38:27


"多次烧成+Repeatedly+firing英语短句+例句大全"汇集了关于多次烧成和Repeatedly firing的英语短句和例句,旨在帮助学习者更好地理解和运用这些概念。无论是工程技术领域的专业人士还是英语学习者都能从中受益。本合集涵盖了多种场景下的例句,包括材料工程、制造业、艺术设计等,旨在展示这些概念在不同领域的应用。通过浏览本合集,读者可以更深入地了解多次烧成和Repeatedly firing的概念,并且学习如何用英语表达相关的观点和经验。希望本合集能为读者提供有益的参考和帮助,让他们在工作和学习中更加游刃有余。

多次烧成,Repeatedly firing

1)Repeatedly firing多次烧成

2)single firing一次烧成

1.The glazed roof tile withsingle firing reached the national standard GB9197-88 and industry standard of building materials JC/T765-.3MPa琉璃瓦素坯,开发出与该坯体烧结温度一致的无铅琉璃瓦用釉,并采用一次烧成工艺制备出了达到国家建筑琉璃制品标准GB9197-88要求,及国家建材行业建筑琉璃制品标准JC/T765-要求的无铅琉璃瓦。

2.A raw glaze has been successfully studied for bone china using insingle firing,in the condition that has not lowered the prensentation quality and internal property of the product,lowered the cost.研制成功了一种适合于骨质瓷一次烧成使用的生料釉,在不降低产品的外观质量与内在性能的情况下,降低了成本,节约了能源,开创了一条骨质瓷生产的新思路。

3.The batches for glazed maiolica articles ofsingle firing were synthesisel with lacal claies,the formation of bodies and glazes was discussed,and the time-temperature parameters were defined.采用当地粘土合成了一次烧成施釉彩陶制品用坯料 ,研究了坯体和釉层的形成特点 ,并确定了制品的温度时间参


1.Good flatness,wide range of firing temp,Suitable for high-gloss floor tiles in single firing process.平整度佳,烧成范围宽,适用于一次烧成高亮度地砖。

2.Study on Once Fast Firing of Glazed Tile with Formula Design and Property of Body and Glaze;一次烧成釉面砖坯釉配方设计及坯釉性能的研究

3.Under the big tree there is an ash pile made by many fires.大树下有一堆多次烧火积成的灰堆。

4.HIghgloss good flatness and wide range of firing tempe rature suitable for double-firing floor tiles.适合二次烧成地砖,高光泽、平整度好,烧成范围宽。

5.these I burnt in the fire, as I had done the other, and laid them by;像上次烧制陶器那样,我把它们也放在火里烧过,完工后就成了大瓦盆,放置一边备用。

6.At this rate, they nick the earth"s atmosphere and bounce off into space得再燃烧引擎推回航道 一定得再烧一次

7.Joe once had pneumonia and ran a fever for a week.有一次,乔患肺炎,发烧一星期。

8.Once you feel feverish, take these pills three times a day .一旦你觉得发烧就吃这药片,每天3次。

9.The findings would be helpful to guide the treatment of alkali burns.这一次发现有助于指导碱烧伤的治疗。

10.This study first synthesizes the nanosized HAP powder by auto_combustion method and its agglutinating property is comparatively good.本研究首次采用自燃烧法合成了烧结性能良好的纳米HAP粉末 .

11.burn to a cinder烧成灰烬, 烧焦[糊]

12.Microwave Sintering of Ca_4Al_6SO_(16) ,Ca_3SrAl_6SO_(16) ,Ca_3BaAl_6SO_(16)硫铝酸盐矿物的电热-微波二次快速烧成

13.Half jins of heavy pork liver, cut 34, burn every week 2, 3.半斤重的猪肝,切成三四份,每周烧二、三次。

14.Singe the small focus with 2.5% tincture of iodine at early phase,big focus at middle or late phase.5 %碘酊小病灶早期烧灼 ,或大病灶的中晚期烧灼 ,一般不超过三次。

15.He crumpled up those old ashes.他把旧信揉成一团烧成灰烬。

16.Can a poor burnt-up lass have a ghost?一个被烧成灰的可怜丫头,还能成鬼吗?

17.My heart seethed again, my blood in the chest burned again.我的内心再一次沸腾了,我胸腔里的血再一次燃烧了。

18.Ah done tole you an" tole you "bout gittin" fever frum settin" in de night air wid nuthin" on yo" shoulders.俺一次又一次告诉你,光着肩膀坐在夜风里要感冒发烧的。


single firing一次烧成

1.The glazed roof tile withsingle firing reached the national standard GB9197-88 and industry standard of building materials JC/T765-.3MPa琉璃瓦素坯,开发出与该坯体烧结温度一致的无铅琉璃瓦用釉,并采用一次烧成工艺制备出了达到国家建筑琉璃制品标准GB9197-88要求,及国家建材行业建筑琉璃制品标准JC/T765-要求的无铅琉璃瓦。

2.A raw glaze has been successfully studied for bone china using insingle firing,in the condition that has not lowered the prensentation quality and internal property of the product,lowered the cost.研制成功了一种适合于骨质瓷一次烧成使用的生料釉,在不降低产品的外观质量与内在性能的情况下,降低了成本,节约了能源,开创了一条骨质瓷生产的新思路。

3.The batches for glazed maiolica articles ofsingle firing were synthesisel with lacal claies,the formation of bodies and glazes was discussed,and the time-temperature parameters were defined.采用当地粘土合成了一次烧成施釉彩陶制品用坯料 ,研究了坯体和釉层的形成特点 ,并确定了制品的温度时间参

3)Once fast firing一次烧成

1.From 1960’s, manufacture way of once fast firing appeared in overseas, and bigger breakthrough and evolve had been acquired unti1970’s.从二十世纪60年代开始,国外出现了一次烧成的生产方法,到了70年代这种工艺取得了较大突破和进展。

4)single firing process一次烧成

1.SrTiO 3 based multifunction ceramics is prepared bysingle firing process.采用一次烧成法制备了SrTiO3系多功能陶瓷,测试了样品的介电性能和压敏性能,分析了施主杂质和受主杂质的掺杂行为。

2.SrTiO 3 multifunction ceramics are fabricated bysingle firing process.采用一次烧成工艺制备了SrTiO3复合功能陶瓷,测试了样品的电学性能,研究了氧化热处理对样品电学性能的影响。

5)Twice Firing二次烧成

6)multiple roasting多次焙烧



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