
「艺术中国」李永波书法艺谈录汉语英语双语版Art of China Li



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「艺术中国」李永波书法艺谈录汉语英语双语版"Art of China" Li Yongbo"s Calligraphy Art Talks Chinese and English bilingual editionomapp

李永波/Li Yongbo

1965年生,中国书法家协会会员,现为中外书画名人研究院名誉教授, 开封市鼓楼区书协副主席,王大昌茶道书画院院长,第一、二、三届“王大昌杯”中华翰墨茗星青少年书法大赛评委会主任。作品曾入选首届全国楹联书法展、首届全国篆刻展、首届全国篆刻艺术展、2000年中国百杰书画精品展、全国中青年书画百家展、2013全国书画名家邀请展。Li Yongbo Born in 1965, member of Chinese Calligraphers Association, now honorary professor of Chinese and foreign calligraphy and painting celebrity institute, vice chairman of Gulou District Calligraphy Association of Kaifeng City, dean of Wang Dachang Tea Ceremony and Calligraphy Institute, 1st, 2nd and 3rd "Wang Dachang Cup" Chinese Hanmo Tea Director of the Jury of Star Youth Calligraphy Competition. His works have been selected in the First National Couplet Calligraphy Exhibition, the First National Seal Cutting Exhibition, the First National Seal Cutting Art Exhibition, the 2000 China Top 100 Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition, the National Young and Middle-aged Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition, and the 2013 National Calligraphy and Calligraphy Masters Invitation Exhibition

吴昌硕嫡曾孙吴秋明先生,观王大昌茶道书画院院长李永波书法,有此论︰“李老师乃大师也!书法有颜鲁公《祭佷稿酬》忠义之气堂堂气魄,又融上至甲骨金文,与二李小篆,乃至魏碑《石门铭》、《云峰山》、汉碑《石门颂》、《杨淮表纪》、隋碑《张黑女》,及近代邓石如、何子贞、伊秉绶、吴昌硕、康南海等大师之气韵。下笔如长枪大戟,挥毫落纸如挥戈……非等闲之辈可望尘也!”Mr. Wu Qiuming, the great-grandson of Wu Changshuo, and Li Yongbo, the dean of Wang Dachang Tea Calligraphy and Calligraphy Institute, have this argument: "Teacher Li is also a master! Calligraphy has the loyalty and courage of Yan Lu Gong’s "Remuneration for Contributions", and it has also been integrated into the oracle gold. Wen, with two Li Xiaozhuan, and even Wei stele "Shimen Inscription", "Yunfeng Mountain", Han stele "Ode to Shimen", "Yanghuai Biaoji", Sui stele "Zhang Hei Nu", and modern Deng Shiru, He Zizhen, Yi Bingshou, Wu Changshuo , Kang Nanhai and other masters. The writing is like a spear and an euphorbia, and a drop of a paper is like a fight... The people who are not idle can expect the dust!"

我受儒家中庸思想的影响很深,喜欢辩证地看待问题,辩证地看待古和今,我们要努力去融合,在帖学的脉络里去最终写出自己的面貌,即便时间比较缓慢。看到事物阴的一面,也一定会看到阳的那面。I am deeply influenced by the Confucian doctrine of the golden mean. I like to look at problems dialectically, the past and the present dialectically. We have to work hard to merge, and finally write our own face in the context of calligraphy, even if time is relatively slow. When you see the yin side of things, you will definitely see the yang side.

我现在看字也是这样,觉得天下没有坏字,觉得什麽都可以写,没有禁忌。有时,我也觉得明清未必就比晋唐差,比如我看沉曾植的字,那种古朴开张,天真烂漫,感觉非常好,甚至有时觉得比王羲之还好,那种味道真的难以形容。I read the words in the same way now. I feel that there are no bad words in the world. I feel that everything can be written and there are no taboos. Sometimes, I also think that Ming and Qing may not be worse than Jin and Tang Dynasties. For example, when I read Shen Zengzhi’s writing, the kind of simple and innocent opening, it feels very good, and sometimes even feels better than Wang Xizhi, the taste is really indescribable.

我把自己定位为一个坚定而刻苦的学古派,私意钦慕于如米芾、董其昌、王铎、何绍基等一路学古出新的路数。学书三十余年,一路过来,摸爬滚打,须臾未尝离开古帖,不同时期总在与形形色色的古人对话I position myself as a firm and assiduous school of ancient studies, privately admiring Ru Mi Fu, Dong Qichang, Wang Duo, He Shaoji and others to learn new ways along the way. I have been studying books for more than 30 years. I have come all the way, and I have never left the ancient posts. I have always been in dialogue with all kinds of ancient people in different periods.

有人看到我作品里,不光学魏晋,唐宋,甚至也学明清民国,觉得很意外,觉得有些不好理解。其实,我年轻时也一样的,心气也很高,非一流作品不学,其他很不放在眼里,年少轻狂嘛。Some people are surprised to see that my works are not related to the Wei, Jin, Tang and Song Dynasties, and even the Ming, Qing and the Republic of China, and they feel a little bit hard to understand. In fact, it was the same when I was young, I was also very high-spirited. I didn"t learn non-first-class works. I didn"t put others in my eyes. I was young and frivolous.

我现在二流,三流的也会写写,我觉得都有可观之处。不知道我这样形容对不对,但这是我真实感受,就是有时我也像苏东坡说的“眼前见天下无一个不好人”,玉皇大帝和乞丐,都可以交往得很好。I am now second-rate and third-rate also write and write, I think they all have considerable points. I don’t know if I’m correct in describing it, but this is what I really feel. Sometimes, as Su Dongpo said, “I see no bad person in the world”. The Jade Emperor and the beggar can communicate very well.

刷大字的感悟———境界为一个人的思想觉悟和精神修养,确切的说也是自我修持的综合能力,即修为!The comprehension of brushing big characters --- the realm is a person"s ideological awareness and spiritual cultivation, to be exact, it is also the comprehensive ability of self-cultivation, that is, cultivation base!

所有的人生感悟,对于境界来说在各个不同的领域有著不同的看法和见解,或泛泛、或平平、或深深、或浅浅、或真真、或灼灼,故境界是一种很微妙的感觉。All life perceptions have different views and opinions in different fields for the realm, which can be general, ordinary, deep, shallow, true, or scorching, so realm is a very subtle feeling .


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