
微丧却积极的治愈救赎文案|我感觉你状态不对 我想拉你一把


I feel like youre not in the right state I want to give you a hand 心理医生说百分之九十跳楼的人,双臂都是断的

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I feel like you"re not in the right state. I want to give you a hand.



Psychologists say that 90% of people who jump from a building have broken arms. Because at the moment of landing, supporting the ground with both hands or holding your head is the desire for survival.

So we should live well and don"t complain.


When depressed, remember to tell yourself that I came all the way to this world, not to find failure.


When you think you are in negative emotions, the world is full of negative emotions. I hope sad people can find the positive and kind side. I wish to live free and easy without being bound, because love will be an invisible force. We encourage each other.


Don"t let life exhaust your patience and yearning. You also have poetry and yuan. Fang, ribs and soup, shrimp and crab roe, hot pot and dip sauce, coffee and caramel, biscuits and milk sticks, shrimp and shrimp dumpling emperor, big kidney and fatty sausage.

人生在世,委屈、烦难,辛酸,都是难免 重要的是你得翻过去,因为推开暗壁,对面总还有蓝天。

Life in the world, grievances, troubles and bitterness are inevitable. The important thing is that you have to turn over, because if you push away the dark wall, there is always a blue sky opposite.


No matter who, no matter when, people always look for romantic glimmers around dark clouds to live.


Always remember that when we are beaten down by fate, we still have to get up, pat the soil on our body and say: we win two of the three innings.


After the film "Changjin Lake", I waited for more than ten minutes without colored eggs. Out of the cinema, I saw the bright lights, tall buildings and bustling outside. I think it"s the best colored egg.



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