
可用于表达感情的文案 单纯入心 深刻有涵义!


I only ask you to say a sincere word to me, a word that can only be said once in my life, a word that only I can understand in my life 爱情会自寻出路

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I only ask you to say a sincere word to me, a word that can only be said once in my life, a word that only I can understand in my life.


Love will find a way out.- the UK


Love, the original is smiling drink wine.


I will not allow you to hurt your hand, a girl"s most beautiful in addition to face is the hand, you should love ah.


I always believe that in this world, there must be another self, doing what I dare not do, living the life I want to live.


Understanding is enough, why talk about the rest of my life, I very not easy, from that painful day to survive

我躺在棺材里 听到外面人声鼎沸 这群人真的好奇怪 唯有我死后 才开始追忆我的美好

I"m lying in a coffin and I hear people outside and it"s so weird that people are only remembering my beauty after I"m dead


"May I kiss you?" "May I not?" "What did I just say to you?" "May I kiss you?" "Yes, yes."


First fall in love, goodbye infatuation, all day care, want to heart, painstakingly, want to urge the heart, don"t you heart, don"t understand my heart!


You will never meet anyone who loves you so much, and I will never love anyone so much again.


I miss you, from mouth to heart, from morning till night, everywhere, all the time, I miss you!A desire is very strong, want to be with you!


I just wanted to ask if you"d still be there if I came back.


Don"t think the Cinderella story is so good, if the glass slipper really fit, it would not have fallen.

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