
优质的伤感小短句 满怀期待 适合失落时发圈!


How endless night, do not forget me beside you is an immortal flame, lit every hope in your heart, dancing and jumping for you all your life 我要和你一起吃掉七千七百七十七条七七乳加巧克力

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How endless night, do not forget me beside you is an immortal flame, lit every hope in your heart, dancing and jumping for you all your life.


I"m going to eat seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven milk and chocolate with you.


No matter how long the experience and hone, as long as there is you in my heart, will be sweet.


Never expect someone to be nice to you all the time.


Hope makes the world go round


Eat less salt and be more jealous;Eat less meat and more vegetables;Eat less sugar and more fruit;Ride less and walk more;Smile more and be less angry;Grieve less and sleep more.


"I have only two hobbies." "I like to eat, I like you." "Simply put, I like to eat you."


I"ll always carry a picture of you in my wallet.


I shall press you to my bosom and kiss you for a thousand times, as passionately as I did above the equator.


Your smile seems to have magic, because every time I see you smile, I forget my troubles.


You"re so sweet. I love you so much.Unfortunately, I am not a poet, can not say more beautiful words!


In the eyes of others, I am cheerful and happy.But it was all to hide his loneliness from others.

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