
温柔治愈系的暖心文案 相当气派 现实又心疼


Young and frivolous I love that young and frivolous you in this young and frivolous period 年少轻狂我爱那个年少轻狂的你在这个年少轻狂的时期

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I believe it will be better to reduce dependence and expectations.


Young and frivolous I love that young and frivolous you in this young and frivolous period.


If there is a person who is willing to lower his bottom line and be bullied by you, please be gentle. She doesn"t want to cater to you, but hopes that you can get better and better. If you don"t understand, please leave early, and don"t let her dream alone.


Listen to the string break, and break the 3,000 infatuation. Falling flowers are lost, once lost, the wind ripples. If flowers flow, whose fingertips fall.


I don"t know where it came from or when it left. At that time, I was just like a mental derangement. But if you really like me, please don"t leave me. Although you may not be able to coax me, I will feel at ease when you are here. Because I believe you won"t leave me, I will lose my temper and speak to you unscrupulously. I never thought that one day you would leave me. I never.


One second later, she was still in tears sadly, and the next second, she was immediately filled with a bright smile.


I can stand naked in front of you, and I can leave intact!


Happiness should be accompanied by sadness, and it should be sunny after rain. If it is still raining after rain, if it is still sad after sorrow. Please let us face the parting calmly. Smile to find an impossible you!


In life, you must find at least one pair of ears that can listen to you. As soon as you open your mouth, he will understand you. Perhaps this is a person"s happiness.


The fate. Because it is not easy to love, it will be even harder to love for a long time. If love lasts forever, it will be the most beautiful myth between heaven and earth. Is a myth, does not mean that there is no, believe in love, believe in those who love you, love, don"t give up, it will be eternal.


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