
高职人才+higher+vocational+talents 英语短句+例句大全

时间:2020-06-08 05:20:10



高职人才,higher vocational talents

1)higher vocational talents高职人才

1.As a whole,the society demands a large number ofhigher vocational talents,and the accurate localization of professorship talents has become the prerequisite which influences higher vocational education ssurvival and development.从总体上看,高职人才有着巨大的社会需求,而准确地进行人才定位,则成为影响高职教育生存和发展前提性条件。

2.The fostering mode ofhigher vocational talents of biological technology application major should be based on the dominant industry of cocal economy building paying attention to the levels of course structure, feasibility of fostering aim, training of teaching me thod and the fostering of applicable talents needed in the production front.生物技术应用专业高职人才培养模式应注重课程结构的层次性、培养目标的实用性、教学方法的训练性,侧重培养地方经济建设发展所需的生产一线的应用型人才。


1.On Talented Person Specification of Higher Vocational Education from the Angle of Talent Structure Theory;从人才结构理论看高职人才培养规格

2.The Conversion of Talents Cultivation Objective in Higher Vocational Education--From"Technique Applied Talents"to"High Skilled Talents";高职人才培养目标的转换——从“技术应用性人才”到“高技能人才”

3.Adopting Modern Teaching Principle,Developing Qualified Technicians;树立现代教学观,培养高素质高职人才

4.To develop the higher vocational innovative curriculum system and foster higher vocational innovative talents;开发高职创新课程体系 培养创新型高职人才

5.On Training Vocational Talent Model to Promote Students Professional Abilities;提高学生职业能力的高职人才培养模式探索

高职人才+higher+vocational+talents 英语短句+例句大全

6.Some Analysis on Higher Vocational Education,its Toilentsand Their Employment;高职教育、高职人才的定位与毕业生就业分析

7.National Professional Standards and the Cultivation of High-skilled Talents in Higher Vocational Education;国家职业标准与高职高技能人才培养

8.Establishing Distinct Vocational College Cultivating Excellent Professional Talents;创办特色高职院校 培养优秀职业人才

9.On the New Mode of Education and Training in Tourism Technological Institute;旅游管理高职高专人才培养模式改革

10.The Exploration and Reflection on the Talents Cultivation in Higher Vocational-Technical Colleges;高职高专人才培养改革的探索与思考

11.Promoting Teaching with Research,Improving the Level of Talent Cultivating in Higher Vocational Colleges;以“研”促“教”,提高高职院校人才培养水平

12.The Discussion about The Raising Applied Innovative Talents in Higher Vocational Universities and Colleges;试论高职高专应用型创新人才的培养

13.On Training Mode of Legal Profession in Higher Vocational College;论高职高专法律类专业人才培养方式

14.On the Evaluating System of the Quality of Marketing Stuff in Vocational School;高职高专营销人才素质评价体系研究

15.Discussion on Talents Training Pattern of "Order-oriented Education" in Vocational and Technical Colleges;试论高职高专“订单教育”人才培养模式

16.Some Thoughts to the Talent Training Model of Higher Vocational and Professional Education;对高职高专教育人才培养模式的思考

17.Exploration of talent development models of higher vocational education under new situation;新形势下高职高专人才培养模式探讨

18.Setting up Training Standards for Innovative Talents in Higher Vocational and Technical Colleges;高职高专创新型人才培养模式的构建


the talent view on higher vocational education高职人才观

3)the talents of high professional logistics高职物流人才

1.With regard to the training of the professional talents of logistics,it is urgent to set the goals,direction of professional and fixed position of education for high professional logistics management,to trainthe talents of high professional logistics who can adapt to the economic development in Zhejiang Province,it should be based on the characteristics of the economic development in Zhejian.根据浙江省经济发展特点及高职物流教育现状,确定高职物流管理专业培养目标、专业方向及教育定位,培养适应浙江省经济发展需求的高职物流人才,成为物流专业人才培养的首要问题。

4)higher vocational students training高职人才培养

1.In order to change this situation,students training standard that is suitablehigher vocational students training target must be conducted to establish evaluation method with higher vocational characteristic.文中对高职人才培养质量标准与考核评价方法进行了初步的研究和探讨。

5)higher vocational talents evaluation高职人才评价

6)secretarial talent of higher vocational education高职秘书人才



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