
一些治愈伤感的温柔句子 懂你内心的伤痛 抚慰受伤的心


约瑟夫?鲁What is love?One body and two hearts;What is friendship?Two bodies and one heart Joseph Joseph?lu有志者自有千计万计,无志者只感千难万难

友情提示:本文共有 1330 个字,阅读大概需要 3 分钟。


What is love?One body and two hearts;What is friendship?Two bodies and one heart.-- Joseph Joseph?lu


Aspirants have thousands thousands, no minds only feeling extremely difficult.


"Have you put on some weight lately?""No, why do you say so?""Then why? It"s getting heavier and heavier in my heart."


You were a dream, then a reality, now just a memory.


I"ve never loved anyone before, and you"re the first one, and I"m afraid I didn"t do well enough to make you think that"s all there is to love


Obviously very like very care about, but always pretend to be indifferent in the silent care.


I have to understand my choice.


The other shore flowers have been brilliant, but I still keep looking at the time gradually old.


If you shed tears, first wet is my heart.


The sky isn"t always clear and the sun doesn"t always shine, so it doesn"t hurt to have an occasional emotional breakdown.


You are alone in the mountain flood, unintentionally drafty.


You said goodbye to me, I mouth reluctantly a wry smile, go forward, did not turn back

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