
被伤心包围的情感文案 心动又温暖 守望快乐!


How much love is how much sad 我活着就是赖着一口氧气,氧气是你

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How much love is how much sad.


I live on a mouthful of oxygen, oxygen is you.


I will always be behind you, waiting for you every time you turn around.Maybe you don"t know how much you mean to me.


I lost all the way, all the way to find, all the way to make yourself clear, but love is a maze.


"I want to tan myself." "Why?" "So I can secretly protect you."


If you can, can you stay a second, even if you just stay a little longer traveler.


You are a proud island, has its own castle, I am not on the shore of the tide, can only surround you.


I love you because you are the only one I am looking for.


Baby, whether you are happy recently, whether you work hard, whether you know your friends, you should take good care of yourself and get along well with the friends around you.


Meeting you is the greatest luck in my life;Falling in love with you was the best thing I ever did.


I will be in a daze and forget you, and then tightly close my eyes, thinking that one day someone will replace, let me no longer miss you.

Every day without you is like a book without pages没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。

Every day without you is like a book without pages.

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