
@2021考研 大纲新增79个单词全总结!(配典型例句)


例句2:In the immediate aftermath of the riots, a mood of hope and reconciliation sprang up 翻译:暴乱之后紧接的是一股希望与和解情绪的产生

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1 aftermath [ftrmθ] n. 后果;余波例句1:The aftermath of the war was a huge shock for the people in that country.翻译:战争的后果对那个国家的人民是一个巨大的打击。例句2:In the immediate aftermath of the riots, a mood of hope and reconciliation sprang up.翻译:暴乱之后紧接的是一股希望与和解情绪的产生。

2 aggregate [ɡrɡt] n./v. 总数;合计例句1:They won 4–2 on aggregate.翻译:他们以总分4:2获胜。例句2:The surface of poured concrete may vary according to its finish and aggregate.翻译:灌浇混凝土的表面依照其抛光和混凝料的不同而变化。

3 albeit [lbit] conj. 虽然,尽管例句1:He finally agreed, albeit reluctantly, to help us.翻译:尽管勉强,他最后还是同意帮助我们。例句2:Charles"s letter was indeed published, albeit in a somewhat abbreviated form.翻译:查尔斯的信确实被刊登了出来,尽管有些删节。

4 algorithm [lɡrm] n. [计][数] 算法,运算法则例句1:Don"t diddle code to make it faster—find a better algorithm翻译:不要为了使代码更快而胡乱编写代码——要找到更好的算法。例句2:If this can be done, then the divide-and-conquer algorithm is a good choice.翻译:如果可以这么做,那么分治算法是个好的选择。

5 align [lan] vt. 使结盟;使成一行;匹配例句1:A tripod will be useful to align and steady the camera.翻译:三脚架会有助于对齐稳住照相机。

例句2:The top and bottom line of each column on the page should align.翻译:版面每栏的头一行和末一行要对齐。

6 archive [ɑrkav]n. 档案馆;档案文件 vt. 把…存档例句1:The system will archive the information so agencies can review it in detail.翻译:该系统会将该信息存档,以便各代理机构能对其详细审阅。例句2:A quarter of this vast archive has been indexed and made accessible to researchers. 翻译:这批数量巨大的档案的1/4都已编了索引,可供研究者查阅。

7 arena [rin] n. 舞台;竞技场例句1:A 20,000-seat arena with a retractable roof is planned.翻译:一个可容纳2万名观众、带伸缩顶棚的竞技场正在规划中。例句2:This is an arena for gladiators only, for the Titans of the track.翻译:这是个仅为勇士而且是仅为此行里的大力士勇士所设的竞技场。

8 artifact [ɑtfkt] n. 人工制品,手工艺品;例句1:In this dialog, you can only open an artifact in the editor.翻译:在这个对话框中,您只可以在编辑器中打开一个工件。例句2: It is hoped that new SI definitions will be uniformly artifact-free.翻译:希望新的 SI 定义会统一为无人工的。

9 bearing [ber]n. 轴承;关系;方位;举止例句1:Recent events had no bearing on our decision.翻译:近期的事件与我们的决定没有关系。例句2:The journal rubs against the bearing surface.翻译:轴颈在轴承面上摩擦。

10 bolster [blst(r)]v. 支持,支撑 ;改善,巩固例句1:Falling interest rates may help to bolster up the economy.翻译:利率下降可能有助于激活经济。例句2:The country is free to adopt policies to bolster its economy.翻译:这个国家可自由采取措施来巩固经济。

11 brevity [brevti] n. n. 简洁,简短;短暂,短促例句1:Embrace brevity, but do not sacrifice readability.翻译:拥抱简洁,但不要牺牲可读性。例句2: I"ve truncated it here for brevity, but you get the point.翻译:为简洁起见,我截短了这段代码,但您可以抓住要点。

12 check [tek] n.v. 检查,核对例句1:Please check that these details are correct.翻译:请检查这些细节是否准确无误。例句2:The fault was discovered during a routine check.翻译:这个错误是在一次常规检查中发现的。

13 concurrent [knkrnt]adj. 并发的;一致的;同时发生的;并存的例句1:He will actually be serving three concurrent five-year sentences.翻译:实际上他要同期服3个5年的刑期。例句2:Galerie St. Etienne is holding three concurrent exhibitions.翻译:圣·艾蒂安美术馆在同时举办3场展览。

14 configuration [knfɡren]n. 配置;结构;外形例句1:If this is the initial configuration, the server should not be running.翻译:如果这是初始配置,则服务器不应该在运行例句2:Prices range from $119 to $199, depending on the particular configuration.翻译:价格根据配置的不同从119美元到199美元不等。

15 convene [knvin]v. 召集,集合;传唤例句1:The committee will convene at 11:30 next Thursday.翻译:委员会将在下星期四上午11:30开会。例句2:While we in government can lead, and convene, and even cajole, we can"t do it all.翻译:虽然政府可以发挥倡导、召集甚至引导的作用,但是我们无法克竟全功。

16 coronavirus [krnvars]n. 冠状病毒例句1:Its name, the Middle East Respiratory System Coronavirus.翻译:它的名字是中东呼吸系统冠状病毒。例句2:Reports of a new strain of the coronavirus overseas is nowhere near the movie version of an outbreak.翻译:报道的海外新菌株冠状病毒远不及电影版的爆发。

17 corporate [kprt]adj. 法人的;共同的,全体的;例句1:The number of corporate bankruptcies climbed in August.翻译:企业破产的数量在8月份增加了。例句2: They want to see more women take their place higher up the corporate or professional ladder.翻译:他们希望看到更多女性担任公司或职业阶梯上更高的职位。

18 culminate [klmnet] v.(以某种结果)告终;(在某一点)结束例句1:Their summer tour will culminate at a spectacular concert in London.翻译:在伦敦举行的一场精彩的音乐会将为他们的夏季巡回演出画上句号。例句2:For these reasons, I launched a consultative process in 2010 on the future of financing for WHO that will shortly culminate in a plan of reform for the Organization.翻译:这些原因,我在2010年启动了世卫组织未来筹资问题磋商进程,并将于不久制定本组织改革计划。

19 cumulative [kjumjltv]adj. 累积的例句1:Has anyone bothered to study the cumulative effect of all these things?翻译:有谁费心研究所有这些东西的累积效应呢?例句2:It is simple pleasures, such as a walk on a sunny day, which have a cumulative effect on our mood.翻译:诸如在晴朗的日子散步这样简朴的乐趣对我们的情绪有累积性益处。

20 daunting [dnt] adj. 使人畏缩的例句1:Starting a new job can be a daunting prospect.翻译:开始一项新工作有时会让人望而却步。例句2:He and his wife Jane were faced with the daunting task of restoring the gardens to their former splendour.翻译:他和他的妻子简当时面临着恢复花园昔日风采的艰巨任务。

21 demographic [demɡrfk]adj. 人口结构的;人口统计的 n. 特定年龄段的人口例句1:He and his wife Jane were faced with the daunting task of restoring the gardens to their former splendour.翻译:他和他的妻子简当时面临着恢复花园昔日风采的艰巨任务。例句2:Trying to recreate an event that happened billions of years ago is a daunting task, but many scientists believe that, like the emergence of life itself, it is still possible.翻译:想要重现几十亿年前的一件事是个艰巨的任务,但仍有许多科学家相信,就像生命本身的出现一样,这还是有可能的。

22 deplete [dplit] vt. 耗尽,用尽;使衰竭,使空虚例句1:Surely it is an economic nonsense to deplete the world of natural resources.翻译:耗尽世界的自然资源无疑是一件经济上的愚蠢行为。例句2:Emotional trauma is one of the quickest and easiest ways to deplete your energy reserves in an instant.翻译:感情上的创伤是最快也是最简单的在霎那间耗尽你能量的方法。

23 deploy [dpl]v. n. 部署;调度例句1:You can use either structure, or both, depending on how you expect to build and deploy your applications.翻译:根据您想如何构建和部署应用程序,可以使用任意一种结构,或者两者都用。例句2:Notwithstanding the previous guidelines, purchase at least one spare hard disk for each model hard disk you deploy.翻译:尽管有前面的指导方针,但为您部署的每个模型硬盘购买至少一个备用硬盘。

24 deter [dt(r)]v. 制止,阻止例句1: It is time to go beyond the shibboleth that conventional forces cannot deter.翻译:是时候摆脱那些传统力量无法阻止的旧观念了。例句2:No amount of foul weather, whether hail, wind, rain or snow, seems to deter them.翻译:不管天气有多恶劣,哪怕是冰雹、大风、雨还是雪,似乎都阻止不了他们。25 directly [drektli; darektli]adv. 直接地;立即;马上例句1:She left directly after the show.翻译:演出一结束,她马上就走了。例句2:He drove her directly to her hotel.翻译:他驾车直接把她送到了她下榻的旅馆。26 discrete [dskrit]adj. 离散的,不连续的例句1:The organisms can be divided into discrete categories.翻译:有机体可分为许多互不相联的种类。例句2:Social structures are not discrete objects; they overlap and interweave.翻译:社会结构不是离散的客体;他们重叠并交织在一起。27 discretion [dskren]n. 自由裁量权;谨慎;例句1:Discretion is not Jeremy"s strong point.翻译:谨慎不是杰里米的长处。例句2:We may vary the limit at our discretion and will notify you of any change.翻译:我们可酌情决定更改限制,并会将任何变更通知你。28 drone [drn] n. 雄蜂;嗡嗡的声音;无人机(非正式)v. 嗡嗡作声例句1:On average, only one out of every seven U.S. drone attacks in Pakistan kills a militant leader.翻译:平均而言,美国在巴基斯坦的无人机袭击中只有七分之一击毙了激进分子头目。例句2:A drone pilot and a sensor operator sit in their flight suits in front of a series of screens.翻译:一名无人机飞行员和一名传感器操作员穿着他们的飞行服,坐在一系列屏幕前。29 dual [djul]adj. 双的;双重的例句1:The piece of furniture serves a dual purpose as a cupboard and as a table.翻译:这件家具有两个用途,既作橱柜也作饭桌。例句2:The notion of parallel worlds is inherent in your work, with dual story strands and different incarnations of certain characters.翻译:平行世界的概念是在你的作品中一直都有的,双重的故事线和有着不同化身的人物。30 elicit [lst]v. 引出;引起例句1:I could elicit no response from him.翻译:我从他那里套不出任何反应。例句2:Mr. Norris said he was hopeful that his request would elicit a positive response.翻译:诺里斯先生说他希望他的要求会引起积极的回应。31 empathy [empθi]n. 神入;移情作用;执着;感同身受;共鸣例句1:Besides, empathy can be a cure for loneliness and sadness.翻译:此外,共情能力可以用来治愈孤独和悲伤。例句2:He advised him not to get too excited by her effusions of empathy and respect.翻译:他建议他不要因为她同情心和敬重感的迸发而过于激动。32 enquiry inquiry [nkwari] [n"kwar] n.调查;质询例句1:The police are following several lines of enquiry.翻译:警方正沿着几条线索进行调查。例句2:These comments are not directly relevant to this enquiry.翻译:这些意见与这项调查没有直接联系。33 epic [epk]n. 叙事诗;史诗;史诗体裁;例句1:Their four-hour match on Centre Court was an epic.翻译:他们在中心球场历时四个小时的比赛是一个壮举。例句2:There are a number of distinguishing characteristics by which you can identify a Hollywood epic.翻译:通过其诸多与众不同的特点,你可以识别出好莱坞的史诗影片。34 equity [ekwti]n. 公平,公正;普通股;抵押资产的净值例句1:To capture his equity, Murphy must either sell or refinance.翻译:要获取他的资产净值,墨菲必须出售或重新融资。例句2:One school thinks that, even in cases of negative equity, most homeowners will not default if they can afford the payments.翻译:一学派认为,即使在负权益的情况下,如果可以负担还款,大部分房主将不会违约。35 erode [rd]v. 腐蚀,侵蚀例句1:The rain will erode the deeds of his life.翻译:雨水将慢慢地腐蚀掉他的生命契约。例句2:If competition would erode profits, firms would find no incentive for "strategic" investments and behaviors.翻译:如果竞争会侵蚀利润,企业将会没有动机去实施“战略”投资和行为。36 facet [fst]n. 面;方面;小平面例句1:Now let"s look at another facet of the problem.翻译:现在咱们看问题的另一面。例句2:The caste system shapes nearly every facet of Indian life.翻译:种姓制度几乎决定了印度生活的各个方面。37 gadget [ɡdt]n. 小玩意;小器具例句1:This gadget isn"t much good. 翻译:这小玩意儿没多大用处。例句2:This gadget is just the thing for getting those nails out.翻译:这小玩意儿用来起那些钉子正合适。38 icon [akn]n. 图标;偶像例句1:Click on the icon when you want to print.翻译:你想打印时就点击一下这个图标。例句2:You see an icon in each row to delete the user in that row.翻译:您将在各行中看到一个用于删除该行用户的图标。39 imminent [mnnt]adj. 即将来临的;迫近的例句1:The system is in imminent danger of collapse.翻译:这个体制面临着崩溃的危险。例句2:The mere mention of the words "heart failure" can conjure up, to the layman, the prospect of imminent death.翻译:一提到“心力衰竭”几个字,外行人就会想到立即死亡。40 inflict [nflkt]v. 造成;使遭受(损伤、痛苦等)例句1:Don"t inflict damage on any person.翻译:不要伤害任何人。例句2:Do you have to inflict that music on us?翻译:你非得逼我们听那种音乐吗?41 influenza [nfluenz]n. 流行性感冒(简写flu)例句1:Every year new strains of influenza develop.翻译:每年都有新的流感类型出现。例句2:They should receive annual influenza vaccinations.翻译:他们应该每年接受流感疫苗接种。42 invoke [nvk]v. 调用;祈求;例句1:This command will invoke the HELP system.翻译:这条指令将启用“帮助”系统。例句2:You also have to invoke the stored procedure once.翻译:您还必须调用一次存储过程。43 jurisdiction [drsdkn]n. 司法权,审判权,管辖权;例句1:This case falls outside my jurisdiction. 翻译:这个案件不属于我的管辖范围。例句2:The British police have no jurisdiction over foreign bank accounts. 翻译:英国警方对外国银行的账户没有司法管辖权。44 lawsuit [lsut; lsjut]n. 诉讼(尤指非刑事案件);诉讼案件例句1:They threatened him with a lawsuit. 翻译:他们以诉讼来威胁他。例句2:The lead plaintiff of the lawsuit is the University of California.翻译:这次诉讼的第一原告是加利福尼亚大学。45 lucrative [lukrtv]adj. 获利多的例句1:It was quite a lucrative sideline.翻译:那是一份很赚钱的兼职工作。例句2:Thousands of ex-army officers have found lucrative jobs in private security firms.翻译:成千上万的退役军官在私人保安公司找到了薪水丰厚的工作。46 mandate [mndet]n. v. 授权;命令,指令;例句1:The bank had no mandate to honour the cheque. 翻译:银行没有得到指令来承兑这张支票。例句2:The president and his supporters are almost certain to read this vote as a mandate for continued economic reform.翻译:总统和他的支持者们几乎肯定地认为这次投票是对继续进行经济改革的授权。47 media [midi]n. 媒体;媒质例句1:Her car was mobbed by the media.翻译:她的汽车被媒体团团围住。例句2:The media depict him as a left-wing bogeyman. 翻译:媒体把他描绘成一个左翼怪物。48 mediate [midiet]v. 调停;调解例句1:The Secretary-General was asked to mediate in the dispute. 翻译:有人请秘书长来调解这次纷争。例句2:An independent body was brought in to mediate between staff and management.翻译:由一个独立机构介入,在劳资之间进行调解。49 mentor [ment(r)]n. 指导者,良师益友例句1:Eventually, he was excommunicated along with his mentor. 翻译:最终,他与他的导师一起被革出教门。例句2:If you want a mentor, focus on a notable person in that segment of the industry.翻译:如果你想获得一位导师,那么就关注在该领域有名望的人。50 overt [vt; vt]adj. 明显的;公然的;蓄意的例句1:There was little overt support for the project.翻译:对这个项目公开表示支持的很少。例句2:Although there is no overt hostility, black and white students do not mix much.翻译:虽然没有明显的敌意,但黑人学生和白人学生还是交往不多。51 paradigm [prdam]n. 范例;词形变化表例句1:The war was a paradigm of the destructive side of human nature.翻译:那场战争尽显人性中具有破坏性的一面。例句2:In thecellspace paradigm, every point in physical space can be said to contain some information.翻译:在单元空间范例中,可以说物理空间中的每个点都包含一些信息。52 policewoman [pliswmn]n. 女警察;女警官例句1:My dream was to be a policewoman.翻译:我的梦想是成为一个女警察。例句2:He even tried to sweet talk the policewoman who arrested him.翻译:他甚至试图和逮捕他的女警官套近乎。53 propagate [prpɡet]v. 传播;传送;繁殖;宣传例句1:Plants won"t propagate in these conditions.翻译:植物在这种条件下不能繁殖。例句2:Many of the species native to California, such as the prickly chaparral, rely on fires to propagate.翻译:加利福尼亚有许多土生土长的物种,比如多刺的灌木荆棘丛,依靠火来繁殖。54 protocol [prtkl]n. 协议;草案;礼仪例句1:He has become a stickler for the finer observances of Washington protocol.翻译:他成了拘泥于华盛顿外交礼节的人。例句2:While SIP is a request-response protocol, there is not necessarily only one response to every one request.翻译:虽然 SIP 是请求-响应协议,但每个请求不一定只有一个响应与之对应。55 proximate [prksmt]adj. 近似的;最近的例句1:In nearly every startup that fails, the proximate cause is running out of money.翻译:几乎每场失败的创业都是直接因为资金断档造成的。例句2:This chain of reasoning, though, provides only what workers in the field call a proximate cause.翻译:然而,这一连串的推理只是提辨了该领域的研究人员所说的最有可能的一个原因。56 quarantine [kwrntin]n. v. 检疫隔离期;隔离;检疫;例句1:The quarantine is now abolished. 翻译:这项检疫措施现已取消。例句2:It is said that all ships coming from abroad should be performed quarantine.翻译:据说对所有国外来的船舶都要进行检疫。57 query [kwri]n. v. 疑问,质问;例句1:Query plans will probably change.翻译:查询计划可能会更改。例句2:If you have a query about your insurance policy, contact our helpline. 翻译:若对保险单有疑问,请拨打我们的咨询热线。58 resilient [rzlint]adj. 弹回的,有弹力的;例句1:He"ll get over it—young people are amazingly resilient.翻译:他会克服这些的—年轻人的适应力惊人。例句2:When the U.S. stock market collapsed in October 1987, the Japanese stock market was the most resilient.翻译:当美国股市在1987年10月崩盘时,日本股市是最快复苏的。59 rhetoric [retrk]n. 修辞,修辞学;华丽的词藻 adj. 花言巧语的例句1:This is the beginning of Congress-bashing presidential campaign rhetoric.翻译:抨击国会是充满花言巧语的总统竞选的开始。例句2:His fiery campaign rhetoric has kept opposition parties on their toes for months.翻译:他激烈的竞选言辞使反对党数月保持警觉。60 sibling [sbl]n. 兄弟姊妹;民族成员例句1:On that day, you became the child of someone and the sibling of others.翻译:从那天开始,你就成为某个人的孩子,并且有了兄弟姐妹。例句2:But that point is reached sooner by those who have only one sibling rival, or none at all.翻译:可是那些只有一个或根本没有同胞兄弟姐妹与之竞争财产的人会更容易达成目的。61 situate [stuet]v. 使位于;使处于例句1:Let me try and situate the events in their historical context.翻译:我尽量把这些事件与其历史背景联系起来。例句2:How do we situate Christianity in the context of modern physics and psychology?翻译:我们如何将基督教置于现代物理学和心理学的背景中呢?62 slump [slmp]v. n. (价格、数量等)骤降例句1:The likelihood is that the slump will be followed by a period of buoyancy.翻译:有可能在衰退之后出现一段繁荣时期。例句2:The council"s land is now worth much less than originally hoped because of a slump in property prices.翻译:由于地产价格的暴跌,委员会的土地目前大不如原来所希望的那么值钱了。63 stagnate [stɡnet]v. 停滞;淤塞;变萧条例句1:Where the masses are not roused, work will stagnate.翻译:哪里不发动群众,哪里的工作就死气沉沉。例句2:Many Americans are seeing their living standards stagnate, but the gap between most of them has not changed all that much.翻译:很多美国人眼见自己的生活水平停滞不前,但是他们之中的贫富差距并没有剧烈变化。64 stance [stns; stɑns]n. 立场;姿态;位置;例句1:What is the newspaper"s stance on the war?翻译:那家报纸对这场战争持什么立场?例句2:The United States has taken a lot of criticism for its hard-line stance.翻译:美国因其强硬立场遭到众多批评。65 stipulate [stpjulet]v. 规定;保证例句1:The public announcement and notice shall stipulate the date of the first convening of the creditors" meeting.翻译:公告和通知中应当规定第一次债权人会议召开的日期。例句2:The new standards stipulate that prosecutors cannot use evidence collected from forced confessions, torture or violence.翻译:新标准规定,检察院不能使用通过逼供、拷问或暴力获得的证据。66 stance [stns; stɑns]n. 立场;姿态;位置;例句1:What is the newspaper"s stance on the war?翻译:那家报纸对这场战争持什么立场?例句2:The United States has taken a lot of criticism for its hard-line stance.翻译:美国因其强硬立场遭到众多批评。67 stipulate [stpjulet]v. 规定;保证例句1:The settlement agreement shall stipulate the period in which the enterprise shall repay the debts.翻译:和解协议应当规定企业清偿债务的期限。例句2:The first must stipulate exactly what character set an IDL definition will be made up from.翻译:首先必须明确规定从哪个字符集生成idl定义。68 surveillance [svelns]n. 监督;监视例句1:He was arrested after being kept under constant surveillance.翻译:他在被连续监视之后给逮捕了。例句2:The police are keeping the suspects under constant surveillance.翻译:警方正对嫌疑人实施不间断监视。69 tangible [tndbl] adj. 有形的;切实的;可触摸的例句1:The tension between them was almost tangible.翻译:他们之间的紧张关系几乎让人都感觉得出来。例句2:There should be some tangible evidence that the economy is starting to recover.翻译:应该有一些足够清晰的证据表明经济正开始复苏。70 temporal [temprl]adj. 暂时的;当时的;现世的例句1: Although spiritual leader of millions of people, the Pope has no temporal power.翻译:教皇虽然是亿万人的精神领袖,但没有丝毫的世俗权力。例句2:One is also able to see how specific acts are related to a temporal and spatial context.翻译:人们也能看到具体的行为如何与时间和空间背景相关联。71 transition [trnzn; trnsn] n. 过渡;转变例句1:Most traditional societies have transition rites at puberty.翻译:大多数传统社会在青春期举行过渡仪式。例句2:In the past this process of transition has often proven difficult.翻译:在过去,这种转变过程常证明是艰难的。72 variance [verins]n. 变异;变化;不一致;例句1:Many of his statements were at variance with the facts.翻译:他的许多陈述都与事实相矛盾。例句2: The distinction between covariance and contravariance is important for computations with tensors, which often have mixed variance.翻译:协变和逆变的区别对于张量的计算尤为重要,这往往会出现混合方差。73 venue [venju]n. 聚会地点例句1:We"re still trying to decide on a venue.翻译:我们仍然在设法选定一个会场。例句2:He caught a chill while performing at a rain-soaked open-air venue.翻译:他在一个被雨浸湿的露天场地表演时着了风寒。74 viable [vabl]adj. 可行的;能养活的例句1: There is no viable alternative.翻译:没有其他可行的措施。例句2:The factory is no longer economically viable.翻译:这个工厂在经济上已经维持不下去了。75 volatile [vltal]adj. [化学] 挥发性的;不稳定的;例句1:Petrol is a volatile substance.翻译:汽油是挥发性物质。例句2:This kind of fierce nationalism is a powerful and potentially volatile force.翻译:这种强劲的民族主义势力是一股强大和潜在的不稳定的力量。76 warranty [wrnti]n. 保证;担保;授权;例句1:The television comes with a full two-year warranty.翻译:这台电视机有整两年的保修期。例句2:If the warranty is limited, the terms may entitle you to a replacement or refund.翻译:如果保修单有限制,这些条款可让你有权换货或退款。77 wary [weri]adj. 谨慎的;机警的;例句1:Be wary of strangers who offer you a ride.翻译:提防那些主动让你搭车的陌生人。例句2:I"m always wary of men wearing suits, as I equate this with power and authority.翻译:我总是提防着穿制服的人,因为我将其等同于权力及权威。78 whereby [weba]adv. 凭此;借以例句1:They have introduced a new system whereby all employees must undergo regular training.翻译:他们采用了新的制度,所有的雇员都必须定期进行培训。例句2:The two colleges have a reciprocal arrangement whereby students from one college can attend classes at the other.翻译:两所学院有一项互惠协定,允许学生在院际间选课。79 workout [wkat]n. 锻炼例句1:He quickly vacated the gym after the workout.翻译:锻炼完他很快离开了健身房。例句2:This workout helps you to burn off fat and tone muscles.翻译:这项锻炼有助于消耗脂肪,使肌肉强健。



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