
充满个性的情感文案 满是委屈 护你天真


Bestie is the kind of noisy today, laugh tomorrow, near the trouble, far to think 为了我你要保持知道增重,不要太瘦,我需要一个很坚实的肩膀随时给我靠着睡

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Bestie is the kind of noisy today, laugh tomorrow, near the trouble, far to think.


For me you need to keep up the weight gain, not too thin, I need a very strong shoulder to sleep on.


Don"t blame me, we fell in love, don"t blame gravity, because without it, we...


Love is like sand when you hold it too tightly.


When you really love someone, the whole world just doesn"t exist.


I intend to love you for a long time, even if you hurt all over the body, or do not want to give up the idea.


Disdains the tricks of intrigue and intrigue


I can afford roses, but I still want you to give me, just like I can live alone, but I still want someone to love me.


After all, love is a reflection of one"s self-worth in others.


Memories, there is a moment of pain, helpless, despair.


Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.


As time goes by, whose wind rises, whose dust settles, in the annals of history, but is a few thin lines, but a poem of romance.

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