
带着忧伤的情感文案 懂你不易 懂你的心


Tell more jokes, with a humorous attitude, this way the day will be better 你为什么要害我?害你什么?害我那么喜欢你

友情提示:本文共有 1452 个字,阅读大概需要 3 分钟。


Do you get lonely sometimes?You"re the only one in the world who"s that good!


Tell more jokes, with a humorous attitude, this way the day will be better.


Why are you trying to hurt me?Hurt you for what?Made me like you so much.


Wearing headphones, walking on the road, the noise of the world has nothing to do with me.


To you is ostentatious, brazen, overflow love.


Many people like you, do not lack me a;I like very few people, except you did not.


See how weak my love is, your news must be told by others.


Unable to stay together for a lifetime of love, but people in a long journey, to hurry the transit station, no matter how long stay, always have to leave to take another flight.


Pillow night east wind blowing, blowing acacia thousands of ashes.Acacia thousand points is for who, little into tears.


I always used to hysteria, and then a person hiding in the corner alone licking wounds.


I gave my life to you because I was afraid of myself. I have been searching for centuries, and I could not let you go from my arms.


We can not live with vegetation rot, can not indulge in a dream, waste of life, to do something.

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