
温柔治愈系的暖心文案 满是悔恨 令人向往


Its not hiding from me some guy I dont hate 我的终极目标是把你骗到手然后养到老My ultimate goal is to get you and feed you in

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It"s not hiding from me some guy I don"t hate.


"My ultimate goal is to get you and feed you into old age."


"So you can colonize your heart."


No matter how to break up, love is not deep enough.


We all have the power to solve other people"s problems, but we don"t have the confidence to face our own.


Slowly, I also learn to let go.Not I changed, is I really powerless, I throw in the towel, I toss over.


Meeting you is accidental, liking you is natural, falling in love with you is resolute, getting you is happy, accompanying you for life is inevitable.


To meet you is the luck of my life;Liking you is the best thing I"ve ever done.


When we say goodbye, we love to be free and easy. After we say goodbye, we are trying to endure missing. We can"t hide the night of drinking and singing.


I use my whole life to find a person who understands me, if I can find it, I am lucky!If I can"t find it, MY life!


No matter what I do whether you know it or not I try to do it well.


One day I suddenly found that you are not in my list, but I did not delete you.

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