
舍不得情绪化的温柔小句子 抚慰心绪 触动心灵


如果时间不能让你忘记不该记得的人,那我们失去的岁月又有什么意义呢?Why do you want to forget someone so painfully? Time will naturall

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Why do you want to forget someone so painfully? Time will naturally make you forget. If time can"t make you forget people you shouldn"t remember, what"s the point of our lost years?


At least once in your life, you should forget yourself for someone, without seeking results, peers, possessions or even love. I just want to meet you in my most beautiful years.


To the world, you are a person; But to someone, you are the world.


Legend has it that the memory of fish lasts only 7 seconds. If so, I would like to be a fish, thinking of you often and forgetting you in a trance.


The vicissitudes of life, how can there be no painful moments? For the sake of career, we let the tears of parting flow freely.


I have no story to tell, I only bring my favorite elves. If you will accompany me, just sit down and raise your glass. I will spend a long day with you.


I want to break your principles, change your habits and become your exception.


Knowing that you don"t have me in your heart, you will never be the person you want, but you can"t help but let you see the truest me and cover up the injured me.


In each other"s heart, it is not so important. No one can escape the hourglass of time. Time is a thief, always stealing a lot by accident.


Why do you want to give up your dignity and keep someone who doesn"t care about you?

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