
网上很火的情感语录 句句耐人寻味 百读不厌!



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一、尽管没有深情的告白,也没有诚挚的诺言,但在顺其自然中我们就成为了彼此的唯一。余生漫漫,我愿与你风雨中执手,平淡中偕老。有谁的幸运,凭空而来,只有当你足够努力,你才会足够幸运。这世界不会辜负每一份努力和坚持。时光不会怠慢执着而勇敢的每一个人!Although there is no affectionate confession, nor sincere promise, but let nature take its course, we have become the only one for each other. The rest of my life is long. I"d like to join hands with you in the storm and grow old together.

Whose luck comes out of nowhere, and only when you work hard enough will you be lucky enough. The world will not fail every effort and perseverance. Time will not neglect everyone who is persistent and brave!

二、我见过的最不求上进的人,他们为现状焦虑,又没有毅力践行决心去改变自己。三分钟热度,时常憎恶自己的不争气,坚持最多的事情就是坚持不下去。终日混迹社交网络,脸色蜡黄地对着手机和电脑的冷光屏,可以说上两句话的人却寥寥无几。他们以最普通的身份埋没在人群中,却过着最最煎熬的日子。is the least progressive person I have ever met. They are anxious about the status quo and have no determination to change themselves. Three minutes of heat, often hate their own indifference, adhere to the most thing is not to persist.

There are few people who mix up social networking all day and face the cold screen of mobile phones and computers. They are buried in the crowd in the most ordinary status, but they live the most difficult days.

三、一件事做着做着,做得多了,就成了责任成了义务,别人再不把你的付出放在眼里。坚强的人,并不是能应对一切,而是能忽视所有的伤害。总有些事,管你愿不愿意,它都要发生,你只能接受;总有些东西,管你躲不躲避,它都要来临,你只能面对。does one thing, doing more, it becomes a responsibility to become an obligation, others no longer pay attention to your efforts. A strong person is not able to deal with everything, but can ignore all the harm. There are always some things, whether you like it or not, it will happen, you can only accept; there are always some things, whether you hide or not, it will come, you can only face.

四、在这世上,没有最好的男人,只有最亲的男人。没有最美的女人,只有最爱的女人。两个人若是感情深厚,那么在对方眼里,就是最好最美的。人总有缺点,能视而不见或者忍耐着,只是因为有感情。In this world, there is no best man, only the closest man. There is no most beautiful woman, only the most loved one. If two people have deep feelings, then in the eyes of each other, they are the best and most beautiful. People always have shortcomings. They can turn a blind eye to them or endure them, just because they have feelings.

五、 动心的时候万物复苏,什么都奔向欢喜,伤心的时候销声匿迹,什么都归于叹息,故事的开头总是这样,适逢其会,猝不及防,故事的结局总是这样,花开两朵,天各一方。When you are moved, everything comes back to life, everything goes to joy, when you are sad, disappears, everything goes to sigh. The beginning of the story is always like this, when it meets, you can"t wait for it. The end of the story is always like this. There are two flowers blooming, each side of the sky.

六、这个世界上有太多的诱惑,这个世界上有太多的艰难。没有问题的时候,都能在一起说说笑笑。碰到问题的时候,大部分是大难临头各自飞。There are too many temptations and too many difficulties in this world. When there is no problem, we can all talk and laugh together. When confronted with problems, most of them fly separately in the face of great difficulties.

七、一段不被接受的爱情,需要的不是伤心,而是时间,一段可以用来遗忘的时间。一颗被深深伤了的心,需要的不是同情,而是明白。needs not sadness, but time, a period of time that can be used to forget. A deeply wounded heart needs not sympathy, but understanding.

八、我从未变过,只是学会了伪装。跌跌撞撞的,走过了人生最丧最灰暗的时刻,那些最难熬的时光。人这一生,路要自己走,苦要自己吃,任何人无法给予全部依赖,以为走不过去的路,跨过去后再回头看看,也不过如此。I"ve never changed, just learned to disguise. Those who stumble through the darkest moments of life, those most difficult moments. In this life, people have to go their own way, eat their own bitter, no one can give all dependence, think that the way can not go, after crossing the past, look back, but also like this.

九、成熟,不是心变老,而是繁华过后的淡定。随着年轮渐渐淡忘,沉淀于心的,一半是对美好的追求,一半是对残缺的接纳。曾经看不惯,受不了的,如今不过淡然一笑。Maturity is not the old heart, but the calm after prosperity. As the rings fade away and settle in the heart, half is the pursuit of beauty, half is the acceptance of disability. Once I couldn"t stand it, but now I just laugh.

十、我们之间一直隔着远远的距离。这个距离只够你看到我,而无法参与,也只够我偶尔看到你几眼,我们中间,从我面前走过很多人,他们是过客,而你连过客都不是。is a long way between us. This distance is only enough for you to see me, not to participate, and only enough for me to occasionally see you a few eyes. Among us, there are many people who pass in front of me. They are passers-by, and you are not even passers-by.

十一、你知不知道思念一个人的滋味,就像喝了一杯很凉的水,然后用很长的时间,把它一点点化成眼泪。一次次说忘记,却在这些一次次中反复记起。Do you know how it feels to miss someone? It"s like drinking a glass of cold water and then turning it into tears for a long time. Say and forget again and again, but remember again and again in these times.

十二、时光走过的声音,触疼了心底沉睡的往事。一曲清绝,从日暮唱到黄昏。也无法给渐渐苍凉的等待,带来一丝暖意。唯任忧伤穿过指尖,遗落在云水深处,再也不敢轻易触及。原来,从青春到暮年。红袖添香的守候,早已注定只是一个人的地老天荒。time passing, touched the heart of the sleeping past. A song is clear, sung from dusk to dusk. Nor can it bring warmth to the gradually desolate waiting.

Only sadness through the fingertips, left in the depths of clouds and water, and no longer dare to easily touch. Originally, from youth to old age. Red sleeves add incense to the waiting, has long been doomed to be just one person"s land and the end of the world.


If time can be reversed, I will choose to know you, although it will be scarred, but the warm memory in the heart can not be given by anyone. Thank you for coming to my world. & No one cares how hard you work, how tired you are, how painful you are when you fall.

They only look at where you stand at the end, and then admire or despise you. The vast sea of people, do not easily go back and will, well manage themselves, thank the small fortunate life, there will be loved ones naturally.

十四、没有人会关心你付出过多少努力,撑得累不累,摔得痛不痛,他们只会看你最后站在什么位置,然后羡慕或鄙夷。人海茫茫,别轻易回头与将就,好好经营自己,感恩生活里的小确幸,自然会有良人来爱你。No one cares about how much effort you put in, how tired you are, how painful you are when you fall. They only look at where you stand at the end, and then admire or despise you. The vast sea of people, do not easily go back and will, well manage themselves, thank the small fortunate life, there will be loved ones naturally.

十五、生活本来就是一场恶战,给止疼药也好,给巴掌也罢,最终都是要单枪匹马练就自身胆量,谁也不例外。放弃了,就不该后悔。失去了,就不该回忆。放下该放下的你,退出没结局的剧。Life is a vicious battle, whether it"s painkillers or slaps, and ultimately it"s all about practicing courage on your own, no one is exceptional. If you give up, you shouldn"t regret it. If you lose it, you shouldn"t remember it. Put down what you should put down and quit the endless play.

十六、生命中总有那么一段时光,充满不安,可是除了勇敢面对,我们别无选择。落雨纷飞草摇茫,一阵冬雪一阵凉。当初错结两心厌,一瓣落花一处伤。There is a time in life that is full of uneasiness. We have no other choice but to face it. Rain, grass, snow and cold. At the beginning, two hearts were disgusted, one petal fell and one wound occurred.

十七、过去的经验要总结,未来的风险要预防,这才是智慧的。昨天已经过去,而明天还没有来到。只有今天是真实的。都说机会是留给有准备的人,可机会只有一个,而有准备的人却特别多。It is wisdom to sum up past experience and to prevent future risks. Yesterday has passed, but tomorrow hasn"t come yet. Only today is real. It is said that opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared, but there is only one chance, but there are many people who are prepared.

十八、那一世,你为蝴蝶,我为落花,花心已碎,蝶翼天涯;那一世,你为繁星,我为月牙,形影相错,空负年华。金戈铁马,水月镜花,容华一刹那,那缕传世的青烟,点缀着你我结缘的童话,不问贵贱,不顾浮华,三千华发,一生牵挂,你是我倾尽生命错过的漫画,握住的,握不住的,都飘向了哪?life is like this, half confused, half sober, sometimes confused, sometimes sober. When, let go of casual, give up wishful, perhaps it is also a kind of happiness, a kind of happiness. Lost quietly wandering, sad silent reverie. & lt; br /& gt;

十九、人生就是这样,一半糊涂,一半清醒,有时糊涂,有时清醒。什么时候,放下随意,放弃如意,或许也是一种快乐,一种幸福。失落时悄悄徘徊,伤感时默默遐想。has something to do without putting yourself too low. Those who belong to themselves should strive for it. In front of some people, do not have to tolerate again and again, can not let others trample on your bottom line.

After all kinds of ups and downs, we can see through the gathering and dispersing of the world, do things without alarm, follow the fate unchanged, and remember the good in our hearts.

二十、有些事,无需把自己摆得太低。属于自己的,要努力争取。在有些人面前,不必再三容忍,不能让别人践踏了你的底线。经历了各种坎坷磨难,看透世事聚散,处事不惊,随缘不变,把美好记在心间。you are not good at lying, I am not good at entanglement, stories always turn back, I do not mind people go to tea, loneliness is better than never forget. IQ determines your lower limit, EQ determines your upper limit. The degree to which you speak comfortably determines the height to which you can reach.

二十一、你不擅长说谎,我不擅长纠缠,故事总要往后翻,我不介意人走茶凉,孤独好过念念不忘。智商决定你的下限,情商决定你的上限。你说话让人舒服的程度,能决定你所能抵达的高度。You are my warm gloves, cold beer, shirt with the taste of sunshine, dream day after day. In fact, nothing can not be let go. As time goes by, when you look back, you will find that you once thought you could not let go of things, just a springboard in your life, making you grow up.

二十二、 你是我温暖的手套,冰冷的啤酒,带着阳光味道的衬衫,日复一日的梦想。其实,没有什么东西是不能放手的。时日渐远,当你回望,你会发现,你曾经以为不可以放手东西,只是生命里的一块跳板,令你成长。You are my warm gloves, cold beer, shirt with the taste of sunshine, dream day after day. In fact, nothing can not be let go. As time goes by, when you look back, you will find that you once thought you could not let go of things, just a springboard in your life, making you grow up.

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