
精巧而高级的深情短句 充满无奈 暖在心里


We are tired, because we wander between adhering to and give up, indecisive 很多时候,你必须学会一个人去承受所有的委屈与心酸

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We are tired, because we wander between adhering to and give up, indecisive.


Most of the time, you must learn to bear all the grievances and sad.


Give me the courage to love you.


Even tears, but also a memorial.Even tears, also can not return to childhood.


Say sorry to yourself, because once for others difficult for yourself.


Never believe it, but remember it every time.


Love is true, only happiness is false.That once thought of love together...Love is just fate under a bureau.


You will always meet someone who will sing to you in a tone-deaf voice, who will run with you through the rainy night, and paint with a paintplate in your black and white life.


I love you, there is no purpose.Just love you.Be yourself for once in your life.


Forgive me for not liking to talk in front of strangers.


Scattered not your shadow, had to let the heartache tu charcoal youth.


It"s a breakup. Don"t exaggerate your loneliness.


With the passage of time, but how also turn over, heartache of that page;I put down my dignity, personality and stubbornness just because I can"t put you down.Close your eyes, most miss you;Open your eyes, most want to see is you;So unrepentant, is not the imprint is engraved on my heart;Love to pain, pain to cry, chose to give up, perhaps give up is a helpless despair, make people painful heart.


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