
可以治愈心灵的文字 满满的爱意 句句扎心!


Lonely night, unreal drunk, our love is very beautiful 接纳不了一个人是因为忘不了另一个人

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Lonely night, unreal drunk, our love is very beautiful.


Can not accept a person because forget another person.


You give me a drop of tears, I saw your heart all the oceans.


Miss you and I put kongming lanterns that never leave.


Sometimes I feel it is really good to be alone, no one quarrel with me, no one make trouble with me, I can be quiet alone.


People with stories, meet even smile are difficult.


In fact, there are some feelings only you regret


Said good hand in hand, have been walking, do not let go, but you put a hand first.


Yes, you already know.If you don"t know, you don"t need to know!


Emotional drama, I have no acting skills.


No matter how many conflicts we had in the process, our affection was enough to overcome all disputes.


If you"re leaving please break this thread and I"ll let go.

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