
浓情伤感的情绪文案 简单高级 满是柔情



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Humanity rules everything. Many personnel changes, you can"t control, can only follow the fate. If you want to live happily, you should learn to do things clearly and don"t be confused. Without perfection, everything is clear and the stain is obvious. The more advantages, the more dazzling the stain. Live too hard, so it is very painful.


Time never stops, even if we hide in the undisturbed paradise. Still want to see the spring flowers and autumn moon, and experience life and death.


You ask me if I still love him? I shook my head not to stop loving, but to stop asking.


I thought you were oxygen, but it was just a farce.


Everyone you talk about will be short of a friend. Falling in love is like gambling. Win the bet, lose the bet, and never have friends.


Running water flows out in spring, which is made in heaven.


It"s not that I don"t want to talk, but that I can"t talk much, so it"s safer to keep it in my heart.


Once you smile, I can be happy for several days. But watching you cry has made me sad for many years.


What can be recalled, the proof has been lost.


What you can"t refuse is the beginning, and what you can"t resist is the end.


Desire should be like a wild horse, but I only want you.


Sometimes, it is better to give everything for one person than not to do it for others.

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