
温柔治愈系的暖心文案 抚慰失落 满怀爱意


If you really love him, then I will let go, because someone will love you more than I do 我的心事蒸发成云,再下成雨,却不舍得淋湿你

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If you really love him, then I will let go, because someone will love you more than I do.


My mind evaporates into clouds, and then into rain, but not willing to get wet you.


In fact, I don"t have to wait for you, just wait, can"t wait for others.


To know the way down the mountain must ask those who have passed through it.


"Are you tired?" "No.""But you"ve been in my head all day."


The original fate of the most painful outcome, is the people go, feelings are still in;Time has changed, but not the heart.


Unable to stay together for a lifetime of love, but people in a long journey, to hurry the transit station, no matter how long stay, always have to leave to take another flight.


"Then why am I happy to see you?"


Dear, it is said that men and women together for a long time will be tired, but with you together, how can I find every day so relaxed?


In our love, I always play the role of loving you, don"t ask me why to break up, ask yourself.


Please don"t walk around in my world, I"m just afraid you walked in, I don"t want you to go out!


Some of the encounters between people is like a meteor, sudden spark of envy, but is being in love.

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