
what makes someone tick 使某人滴答走时 英语比喻什么?


Find out what makes him tick, why he made the choices he did 找出是什么让他这么做,为什么他会做出这样的选择

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今天我们来学习英语里表示“使某人做什么的动机”的习惯用法:what makes someone tick



what makes someone tick指The things that motivate one or make one behave in a certain way.


Find out what makes him tick, why he made the choices he did.


I have no insight into what makes her tick and so didn"t know how to help her.



When asked what makes him tick, Lear said, "I have six children and four grandchildren. They all make me tick. Having finished this sentence, and heard me say "make me tick" makes me tick!" he laughed. "I like the way my shoes and socks are feeling. Makes me tick!"



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