


Those who have a passion for climbing high and difficult mountains are often looked upon with astonishment Why are men and

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奥鹏东北农业大学 《大学英语Ш》考前练兵


(1) The government is trying to do something to______better understanding between the two nations

raise promote heighten increase 正确答案:B

(2)When a spacecraft travels. one of the major problems is reentry into the Earth" s _______

surface atmosphere attitude bent 正确答案:B

(3)We are ________at the rapid progress Mark has made in this semester

distinguished annoyed astonished scored 正确答案:C

(4)He tried to ______relations with his former wife but he failed

measure maintain shelter reply 正确答案:B

(5) He wasn" t ______to sit and watch, but he could not stand unaided on the soft sand because of his lameness

conceited content concept concentrated 正确答案:B

(6) The police accused him of setting fire to the building but he denied _____ in the area on the might of the fire

to be to have been having been be 正确答案:C

(7) You have nothing to __gain__ by refusing to listen to our advice

(8) Though ______in a big city. Peter always prefers to paint the primitive seenes of country life

grown raised tended cultivated 正确答案:B

(9) Mr Smith was the only witness who said that the fire was______

mature deliberate meaningful innocent 正确答案:B

(10) He keeps on with physical training in winter______cold it is

whatever no matter how whether or not although 正确答案:B

(11) The woman was worried about the side effects of taking aspirins, but her doctor_______her that it is absolutely harmless

retrieved a released reassured revived 正确答案:C

(12) We should make a clear _______between the two scientific terms for the purpose of our diseussion

separation discrimination deviation distinction 正确答案:D

(13)The pressure_____causes Americans to be energetic. but it also puts them under a constant emotional strains.

to compete competing to be competed having competed 正确答案:A

(14)He tried to______relations with his former wife but he failed.

measure maintain shelter reply 正确答案:B

(15) James Montgomery is famous for his army _____ posters of World Wars I and II.

recruited recruiting recruit recrutation 正确答案:B

(16) James Fraser ______tradition by using three actual American Indians as models for his creation.

went out went for went in went against 正确答案:D

(17)The______of Liberty was dedicated on an island in Upper New York Bay in 1886.

Statue Staturn State 正确答案:B

(18) After the war, a character called Uncle Sam began appearing in political cartoon, his from _____from an earlier cartoon character called Brother Jonathan.

involving changing evolving altering 正确答案:C

(19)When Mr.Jones gets old, he will ________his business to his son.

take over hand over think over get over 正确答案:B

(20) My camera can be _____ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.

treated adjusted adopted remedied 正确答案:B

(21)r "m very sorry to have ______you with so many questions on such an occasion.

interfered offended impressed bothered 正确答案:D

(22) Though_____ _in a big city. Peter always prefers to paint the primitive scenes of country life.

grown raised tended cultivated 正确答案:B

(23)In the Chinese household. grandparents and other relative play _____ roles in raising children.

incapable indispensable insensible infinite 正确答案:B

(24)Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only ________ to his confusion.

extended amounted added turned 正确答案:C

(25) This is the nurse who ______to me when I was ill in hospital.

accompanied attended entertained shielded 正确答案:B

(26) The computer has brought about surprising technological changes ______we organize and produce information.

in a way in the way in that way in no way 正确答案:B

(27)As a teacher, you should not______the students from asking questions in class.

ruin restrain import impose 正确答案:B

(28)Students with_________problems may apply for student loans.

economic financial male economical 正确答案:B

(29)Radio,television and press_______of conveying news as information.

are the most common three means are the most three common means

are the three most common means are three the most common means 正确答案:B

(30)Many manufacturers were accused of concentrating too heavily on cost reduction, often at the _______ of the quality of their products.

expense exposure expansion expectation 正确答案:A

(31)He is watching TV?He is___________to be cleaning his room.

known supposed regarded considered 正确答案:B

(32) In order to increase our output, we need to import more production______

facilities hens votes artists 正确答案:A

(33) Iron supplements may produce a feeling of wanting to______ . and may be poisonous in some cases.

throw away throw up throw in throw out 正确答案:B

(34) Grant Wood instantly_______to fame in 1930 with his painting American Gothic,an often-copied interpretation of the solemn pride of American farmers.

Arise rise rose raised 正确答案:C

(35) We______Edison"s suecess to his intelligence and hard work.

Subject attribute owe refer 正确答案:B

(36)We should keep a_______eye on the prisoners every moment.

Jealous envious jealousy envy 正确答案:A

(37)Under the present system,state enterprises must_______all profits to the government.

tum down turn up turn out turn in 正确答案:D

(38) Now the cheers and applause _______in a single sustained roar.

mingled concentrated assembled permeated 正确答案:A

(39) He asked us to_______them in carrying through their plan.

Provide arouse assist persist 正确答案:C

(40) She gave him back the money she" d stolen,for_____sake.

consent" s conscience" s her conscious 正确答案:B

(41) If you have any problems during your study here,please do not_______to call me for help

Hesitate despair urge request 正确答案:A

(42) Some lazy men would rather____________than work.

Indicate declare solve starve 正确答案:D

(43) He keeps on with physical training in winter_________cold it is.

whatever no matter how whether or not although 正确答案:B


1. 正确答案 C

Since the matter was extremely.immediately______.we dealt with it

A.tough B.tense C.urgent D.instant


With the help of the government , a large number of people ---______after the flood in 1991.

A.survived B.suspended C.suffered D.suspected


John______to be a polite man. But in fact he is very rude.

Pretends assures caffords melts


A____is a person who_____.______

Acrime; commit; criminal B commit;criminal;crimes

C.commit; crimes; criminal D.criminal; commits; crimes


Earthquake survival supplies include a torch, a spade, somerope and a radio____.

Conceiver receiver perceiver deceiver


Most people came to realize that it was about time the government ______further measures to control the population.

A.must take B. is taking C.takes D.took


I didn" t______to take a taxi but I had to as I was late.

A.mean B.assume C.hope D. suppose


If a person talks about his weak points, his listener isexpected tosay something in the way of____.

A.persuasion B. remedy C .encourage D.compromise


Within two weeks of arrival,all foreigners had to______with the local police.

A.inquire B. register C .consult D.resolve



“Most experiences of absent - mindedness-forgettingwhere you left something or wondering why you justentered a room-are caused by a simple lack of attention, "says Schacter. “You" re supposed to remember something,but you haven" t encoded(编码) it deeply. "

Encoding, Schacter explains, is a special way of paying

attention to an event that has a major impression onrecalling it later. Failure to encode properly can createtroublesojme situations. If you put your mobile phone in apocket, for example, and don" t pay attention to what youdid because you" re involved in a conversation, you" Ilprobably forget that the phone is in the jacket now hangingin your cupboarD. “ Your memory itself isn" t failing you,"says Schacter, “Rather, you didn" t give your memorysystem the information it needeD. "

Lack of interest can also lead to absent -mindedness. “A man who can recite sports statistics from 30 years ago, ”says Zelinski, “ may not remember to drop a letter in the mailbox. " Women have slightly better memories than men,possibly because they pay more attention to their environment, and memory relies on just that.

“Visual cues(视觉提示)can help prevent absent-mindedness, " says Schacter, “But be sure the cue is clearand available. ” If you want to remember to take a medicine with lunch, put the pill bottle on the kitchen table-don" tleave it in the medicine box and write yourself a note that you keep in a pocket.

Another common experience of absent - mindedness:walking into a room and wondering why you" re there. Mostlikely, you were thinking about something else. “Everyone

does this from time to time, ” says Zelinski. “The best thing to do is to return to where you were before entering theroom, and you" II likely remember. "

1、The writer of the passage thinks that encoding properly is very important because__A____.

A.it enables us to recall something from our memory

B.it slows down the process of losing our memory

C.it helps us understand our memory system better

D.it helps us to get back to where we were

2、 One possible reason why women have a little better memories than men is that_D___,

A .they rely more on the environment

B. they have a wider range of interests

C.they have an unusual power of focusing their attention

D. they are more interested in what" s happening around them

3、Why can a note in the pocket hardly serve as a reminder?____B___

A.It will easily get lost

B. It is out of your sight

C.It" s not clear enough for you to read

D. It might get mixed up with other things

4、From the last paragraph we can learn that__B__

A .repetition might help improve our memory

B. memory depends to a certain extent on the environment

C.we" d better return to where we were if we forget things

D. we should think about something else while doing one thing

5、 The passage is mainly about___C___

A. the memory system of persons

B .a way of encoding and recalling

C.the causes of absent - mindedness

D. the impression of the environment on memory


It has been said that no town grows up until it is home to a college or university. Knowing this, as early as 1944, far-sighted community leaders began to plan for and raise money for the creation of a junior college in Columbus. In February of 1958 the Georgia Legislature passed the Junior College Bill(法案), which stipulated that all colleges qualifying for state funding must be in operation by September of1958.It was a challenge to meet the deadline, but on September22, 1958, Columbus came of age: Columbus College began classes in the old Shanon Hosiery Mill, with 13 faculty members, five academic programs and 227 students. The phenomenal growth of the college began. In 1960, the first class of graduates received their associate degrees. In 1963,the college relocated to its present site. In 1965, the college was authorized to move up to the four-year status, and 1966saw the first enrollment in a bachelor" s degree program. In1973, the first graduate students began classes leading to the Master of Education degree and finally, two years ago,Columbus College became Columbus State University.

Some of the benefits from the university to our town are obvious-the spreading of knowledge and culture, skills and technology through college and advanced courses that students are able to take locally.

A major benefit from the university to our town is not so obvious, perhaps. Hundreds of highly educated and talented faculty and staff have become citizens of our area,contributing their skills, expertise and viewpoints to the common good of the community and generally promoted the progress of the area in a number of diverse ways.Looking back over 40 years of growth, and forward into the next century, the dream of those leaders who had the foresight to bring the college to Columbus has been fulfilled beyond their dreams.

The idea that prompted the community leaders in Columbus to plan for the creation of a college is that .__C__

A towns can grow very large if they have a college

B the town must have a college for their own benefit

C a town cannot be fully developed without a college

D foresight is essential when they plan for the college

2、Columbus College began classes in September, 1958 so that it obtained financial support from .__B____

A.citizens of the Columbus area B.the state government

C.private companies D.students" tuition

How-many years did it take the students at Columbus College to receive an associate degree?__A____

A.Two years. B.Three years. C.Four years. D.Seven years.

4、The meaning of the word "phenomenal" (Para. 2) can be expressed by___A_____

A.remarkable B.surprising C.far-sighted D.hasty

5、The writer" s purpose in writing this article is most likely to____B_______

A. recount the university" s history

B.celebrate the university" s 40th anniversary.

C.ask more students to attend the university

D.show the importance of the university to the town" s residents


Many visitors finds the fast pace at which American people move very troubling. One"s first impression is likely to be that everyone is in a rush.City people always appear to be hurrying to get where theyare going and are very impatient if they are delayed even for a brief moment.

At first.this may seem unfriendly to you. But drivers will rush you;storekeepers will be in a hurry as they serve you;people will push past you as they walk along the street. You will miss smiles,briefconversations with people as you shop or dine away from home . Do not think that because Americans are in such a hurry they are unfriendly. Often,life is much slower outside the big cities,as is true inother countries as well.

Americans who live in cities such as New York Chicago.or Los Angeles,often think that everyone is equally in a hurry to get things done,they expect others to"push back".just as city people do inTokyo. Singapore or Paris,for example. Sut when they discover that you are a stranger,most Americans become quite kindly and will take great care to help you. Many of them first came to the city asstrangers and they remember how frightening a new city can be Jf you need help or want to ask a question,choose a friendly looking person and say. "I am a stranger here. Can you help me? "Most people will stop.smile at you,and help you find you way or answer your questions. But you must let them know that you need help. Otherwise they are likely to pass you by.not noticing that youare new to the city and in need of help. Occasionally. you may find someone too busy or perhaps too rushed to give you aid.If this happens,do not be discouraged;just ask someone else.MostAmericans enjoy helping a stranger.

1. Many people who first visit the United States will find that ____B_____

A.America is a highly developed country

B.American city people seem to be always in a rush

C.the fast pace in American life often causes much trouble

D.Americans are impatient and unfriendly people

2、When the author says "You will miss smile ", he means._____C____

A.you will fail to notice that Americans are pleasant and happy

B.you will be puzzled why Americans do not smile at you

C.you will feel that Americans do not seem very friendly

D. you will find that Americans don"t have much sense of humor

3. In the author"s opinion, .____D____

A. it is true that life in New York is much faster than that in any other city

B.people living outside big cities are lazy and miserable

C.most American people enjoy living in the suburbs of big cities

D.those who are busy are not necessarily unfriendly

4. The author mentions big cities such as Tokyo,Singapore and Paris___A______

A.to show that city people all over the world have a lot in common

B.to let his readers be aware that they are some of the world"s biggest cities

C.to illustrate their difference from American cities

D.because they are some of the cities that attract visitors most

5. If you say to an American that you are a stranger there, most probably be will.____A_____

A.offer his help

B.stop smiling at you

C.help you find the way

D.reply that he is pleased to meet you


Suppose we built a robot(机器人) to explore the planet Mars. We provide the robot with seeing detectors to keep it away from danger. It is powered entirely by the sun.Should we program the robot tobe equally active at all times? No. The robot would be using up energy at a time when it was not receiving any. So we would probably program it to cease its activity at night and to wake up at dawn the next morning.

According to the evolutionary(进化的)theory of sleep. evolution equipped us with a regular pattern of sleeping and waking for the same reason. The theory does not deny(否认) that sleep provides some important restorative functions. It merely says that evolution has programmed us to perform those functions at a time when activity would be inefficient and possibly dangerous. However, sleep protects us only from the sort of trouble we might walk into; it does not protect us from trouble that comes looking for us. So we sleep well when we are in familiar,safe place, but we sleep lightly. if at all, when we fear that bears will nose into the tent.

The evolutionary theory accounts well for differences in sleep among creatures. Why do cats, for instance,sleep so much,while horses sleep so little?Surely cats do not need five times as much repair and restoration as horses do. But cats can afford to have long periods of inactivity because they spend little time eating and are unlikely to be attacked while they sleep. Horses must spend almost all their waking hours eating. because what they eat is very low in energy value. Moreover, they cannot afford to sleep too long or too deeply.because their survival depends on their ability to run away from attackers.

1. The author uses the example of the robot in space exploration to tell us___B_____

A.the differences between robots and men

B.the reason why men need to sleep

C.about the need for robots to save power

D.about the danger of men working at night

2. Evolution has programmed man to sleep at night chiefly to help him ___C____

A.maintain a regular pattern of life

B.prevent trouble that comes looking for him

C.avoid danger and inefficient labor

D.restore his bodily functions

3、According to the author,we cannot sleep well when we__A______

A.are worrying about our safety

B.are overworked

C.are in a tent

D.are away from home

4、Cats sleep much more than horses do partly because cats____D_____

A.need more time for restoration

B.are unlikely to be attackers

C.are more active than horses when they are awake

D.spend less time eating to get enough energy

5、Which of the following is the main idea of the passage? ._____A_____

A.Evolution has equipped all creatures with a regular pattem of sleeping and waking.

B.The study of sleep is an important part of the evolutionary theory.

C.Sleeping patterns must be taken into consideration in the designing of robots.

D.The sleeping pattern of a living creature is determined by the food it eats.


For some time past it has been widely accepted that babies-and other creatures-learn to do things because certain acts lead to “rewards" ; and there is no reason to doubt that this is true. But it used also to be widely believed that effective reward. at least in the early stages,had to be directly related to such basic physiological(生理的)“drives”as thirst or hunger. In other words,a baby would learmif he got food or drink of some sort of physical comfort. not otherwise.

It is now clear that this is not so. Babies will learn to behave in ways that produce results in the world with no reward except the successful outcome.

Papousek began his studies by using milk in the normal way to "reward"the babies and so teach them to carry out some simple movements,such as turning the head to one side or the other. Then he noticed that a baby who had had enough to drink would refuse the milk but would still go on making the learned response with dear signs of pleasure. So he began to study the children" s responses in situations where on milk was provided. He quickly found that children as young as four months would learn to turn their heads to right or left if the movement "switched on". A display of lights-andindeed that they were capable of learning quite complex turns to bring about this result for instance, two left or two right,or even to make as many three turns to one side.

Papousek s light display was placed directly in front of the babies and he made the interesting observation that sometimes they would not tum back to watch the lights closely although they would"smile and bubble"when the display came on. Papousek conduded that it was not primarily the sight of the lights which pleased them. it was the success they were achieving in solving the problem.inmastering the skill,and that there exists a fundamental human urge to make sense of the world and bring it under intentional control.

According to the author,babies learm to do things which_____C______

A.are directly related to pleasure

B.will meet their physical needs

C.will bring the mafeeling of Success

D.will satiafy their curiosity

2、Papousek noticed in his studies that a baby.

A.would make learned responses when it saw the milk___C____

B.would carry out learned movements when it had enough to drink

C.would continue the simple movements without being given milk

D.would tum its head to night or left when it had enough to drink

3、In Papousek" s experiment babies make learned movements of the head in order to .___A____

A.have the lights turned on

B.be rewarded with milk

C.please their parents

D.be praised

4、The babies would “smile and bubble" at the lights because__D______

A.the lights were directly related to some basic "drives"

B.the sight of the lights was interesting

C.they need not turn back to watch the lights

D.they succeeded in “switching on" the lights

5、According to Papousek, the pleasure babies get in achieving something is a reflection of___A______

A.a basic human desire to understand and control the world

B.the satisfaction of certain physiological needs

C.their strong desire to solve complex

D.a fundamental human urge to display their learned skills


Most young people enjoy some forms of physical activity. It may be walking. cycling or swimming. or in winter skating or skiing. It may be a game of some kind-foot-ball,hockey,golf,or tennis. It may be mountaineering(登山)。

Those who have a passion for climbing high and difficult mountains are often looked upon with astonishment. Why are men and women willing to suffer cold and hardship,and to take risks on high mountains? This astonishment is caused probably by the difference between mountaineering and other forms of activity to which men give their leisure.

Mountaineering is a sport and not a game. There are no man made rules, as there are for such games as golf and football.There are,of course,rules of a different kind which it would be dangerous to ignore, but it is this freedom from man-made rules that makes mountaineering attractive to many people. Those who climb mountains arefree to use their own methods.

If we compare mountaineering and other more familiar sports, we might think that one big difference is that mountaineering is not a "team game". We should be mistaken in this. There are, it is true, no "matches" between "teams" of climbers, but when climbers are on a rock face linked by a rope on which their lives maydepend,there is obviously teamwork.

The mountain climber knows that he may have to fight forces that are stronger and are powerful than man. He has to fight the forces of nature.His sport requires highmental and physical qualities.

A mountain climber continues to improve in skill year after year. A skier if probably past his best by the age of thirty, and most international tennis champions are in theirearly twenties. But it is not unusupl for a man of fifty or sixty to climb the highest mountains in the Alps.They may take more time that younger men,but they probablyclimb with more skill and less waste of effort, and they certainly experience equal enjoyment.

1、Mountaineering involves everything EXCEPT___D___

A.cold B.hardship C.risk D.astonishment

2、The difference between a sport and a game has to do with the kind of_____B________

A .activity B.rules C.uniform D.participants

3、Mountaineering can be called a team sport because___C_________

A.it is an Olympic event

B.teams compete against each other

C.mountaineers depend on each other while climbing

D.there are 5 climbers on each team

4、Mountaineers compete against____A_____


B.each other

C.other teams

D.international standards

5、The best title for the passage is___C___

A.Mountaineering Is Different from Golf and Football

B.Mountaineering Is More Attractive than Other Sports


D.Mountain Climbers


Faces,like fingerprints,are unique. Did you ever wonder how it is possible for us to recognize people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the featuresthat make one face different from another. Yet a very young child-or even an animal, such as a pigeon-can learn to recognize faces, we all take this ability for granted.We also tell people apart by how they behave. When we talk about someone" s personality, we mean the ways in which he or she acts, speaks,thinks and feels that makethat individual different from other.

Like the human face,human personality is very complex. But describing someone" s personality in words is somewhat easier than describing his face. If you were asked todescribe what a"nice face" looked like, you probably would have a difficult time doing so.

But if you were asked to describe a "nice person",you might begin to think about someone who was kind,considerate,friendly,warm,and so forth.There are many words to describe how a person thinks, feels and acts. Fordin Allport, an American psychologist,found nearly 18,000 English words characteringdifferences in people"s behavior. And many of us use this information as a basis for describing, or typing, his personality. Bookworms,conservatives,military types-people are described with such terms.

People have always tried to "type" each other. Actors in early Greek drama wore masks to show the audience whether they played the villains or the hero" s role. In fact,the words"person"and"personality come from the Latin persona,meaning"mask" . Today most television and movie actors do not wear masks. But we easily tellthe "good guys" from the "bad guys"because the two types differ in appearance as well as in actions.

By using the simile(直喻)of fingerprints,the author tells us that___A___

A .people differ from each other in facial features

B.people have difficulty in describing the features of fingerprints

C.people have different personalities

D.people can learn to recognize faces

2、According to this passage,some animals have the gift of___C____.

A.typing each other

B.telling people apart by how they behave

C.recognizing human faces

D.telling good people from bad people

3、Who most probably knows best hw to describe people" s personality?____A_____


B.The modern TV audience.

C.The ancient Greek audience

D.The movie star.

4、 According to the passage, it is possible for us to tell one type of person form another because____B____

A.human faces have complex features

B.people differ in their behavioral and physical characteristics

C.human fingerprints provide unique information

D.people" s behavior can be easily described in words

5、Which of the following is the major point of the passage?_D_____

A.How to get to know people.

B.Why it is necessary to identify people" s personality.

C.Hoe best to recognize people.

D.Why it is possible to describe people.


Mark felt that it was time for him to take part in his community,so he went to the neighborhood meeting after work. . The area"s city councilwoman(女议员)was leading adiscussion about how the quality of life was decreasing. The neighborhood faced many problems.

Mark looked at the charts taped to the walls. There are charts for parking problems, crime, and for problems in vacant buildings. People were supposed to suggestsolutions to the councilwoman.

It was too much for Mark. " The problems are too big." he thought.He turned to the man next to him and said, "I think this is a waste of my time. Nothing I could dowould make a difference here.

"Mark thought some more on his way to the bus stop. "People should just take care of themselves , " he decided. "That"s enough to do . I can"t take on all the problems ofthe world. "

As he neared the bus stop. Mark saw a woman carrying a grocery bag and baby. She was trying to unlock her car, but she didn"t have a free hand.As Mark got closer,herother child,a littlle boy,suddenly darted into the street. The woman tried to reach for him, but as she moved, her bag shifted and groceries started to fall out. Mark ranto take the boy"s arm and led him back to his mother. Then he picked up the groceries while the woman smiled in relief. "Thanks!" she said . " You"ve got great timing!""Just being neighborly. " Mark said . As he rode home, he glanced at the walls of the bus. On one of them was " Small acts of kindness add up."Mark smiled and thought,"Maybe that"s a good place to start. "

It is known from the passage that___C____

A.Mark played an active part in community activities

B. the city councilwoman was responsible for the falling of life quality

C.visual aids were used to display the seriousness of problems

D.many people were discouraged by the many problems facing them

2、In Mark"s opinion,___B____

A.nobody was so able as to solve the problems

B.he was not in the position to solve such problems

C.many people were too selfish to think about others

D.he already had more than enough work to do

3、The word "darted" in paragraph 5 can be best replaced by .___D____

A..walked B."marched" C."wandered" D."dashed"

4、What is the implication of the words on the bus wall?__B_____

A.You should be kind to your neighbors and they will treat you the same way.

B.Everyone can play his own part to make things better.

C.All small acts will add up to kindness.

D. It"s a small act to help a person in need.

5、The passage is mainly about .____A____

A. how individuals can help make a difference

B.running a neighborhood meeting to solve its problems

C.citizens" reactions to the problems they face

D.solving problems through group action

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9/11 与阅读理解5为相同



Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A), B). C) and D) on the right side of the paper,you should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

There was a time then parents who wanted an educational present for their children would buy a typewriter, a globe or a set of encyclopedia(百科全书)。 Now those___1___seem hopelessly old-fashioned:this Christmas, ___2___a lot of personal computers under the tree. ___3___that computers are their key to success,parents are also frantically insisting that children _ __4__ _taught to use them in school-- - as early as possible.The problem for schools is that when it___ 5__ _ computers, parents do not always know best. Many schools are___6__-parental impatience and are purchasing hardware___7___ _ sound educational planning so they can say, :Ok, we" ve moved into the computer age." Teachers_ ___8___themselves caught in the middle of the problem-between parent pressure and___9___educational decisions. Educators do not even agree _ __10__ - how computers should be used. A lot of money is going for computerized educational materials _ __11___research has shown can be taught___12___with pencil and paper. Even those who believe that all children should___13___to computer warn of potential___14___to the very young.The temptation remains strong largely because young children___15___so well to computers. First graders have been ___16___ - willing to work for two hours on math skills. Some have an attention span of 20 minutes. _ __17_ _ school can afford to go into computing, and that creates__18___haves and have-nots.Very few parents____19___for computer instruction in poor school districts, .18-another problem: division between the___20___-there may be barely enough money to pay the reading teacher.


1、A.items B.books C.sets D.series

2、A.there were B. they were C.there had D.they had

3、A.Given B.Provided C.onvinced D.Believed

4、A.are B. be C.are being D.were

5、A. talks about B. comes to C. turns to D.mentions

6、A.ignorant of B.blaming C.yielding to D.absent from

7、A.without B.with C.through D.for

8、A. relied on B. relaxed C.freed D.found

9、A.wise B. clever C.slow D.enough

10、A.on B.with C.to D.about

11、A.however B.where C.what D.that

12、A.equally B. in the same way C.just as well D.not as well

11、A.however B.where C.what D.that

12、A.equally B. in the same way C.just as well D.not as well

13、A.be open B .have access C.look D.turn

14、A.approaches B.exposures C.hazards D.laziness

15、A.adopt B.keep C.adapt D.devote

16、A.watched B.seen C.told D.taught

17、A.So many B.Not every C.No D.Any

18、A.already B. of course C.in addition D.yet

19、A.demand B. expect C.press D. require

20、A.due that B.in any case C.although D.where

END Flying S 2021.9.20


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