
错爱的伤心小短句 字里行间的伤心 令人难忘


I have never loved anyone before, you are the first one, I am afraid I do not do well, make you feel love but so 成年后的我们总能演好别人,唯独丢了自己

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I have never loved anyone before, you are the first one, I am afraid I do not do well, make you feel love but so.


Adult we can always play good others, but lost their own.


I want to be you, see what you see, love what you love.


The human heart, like a well, is unfathomable.

二者相伴 让你每天都是深深的无力感 ”

The two together make you feel deeply powerless every day."


Those things that we thought we would never forget are forgotten by us in the process of remembering each year.


Men lie as a habit, women lie as a need.


Don"t be depressed, life is like an electrocardiogram, smooth sailing you die.


Failure is not terrible, terrible is you believe this sentence.


"Where there is wind," they said.It"s the soul of the one you love flying around.


I will try to become the kind of girl you like, and then die with you.


At last, sobbing melody, who heard the last words whispered "I love you".

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