
看一眼就感同身受的文案 简单治愈 让人无限思绪!


He made your eyes red and you smiled and forgiven 世界太大,生命太短,要过得尽量像自己想要的样子才对

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He made your eyes red and you smiled and forgiven.


The world is too big, life is too short, to try to live like you want to be right.


Keep a diary, I do not know what can not stop is pen, or memory.


"Shame on you." "I want you. Shame on you."


I do not allow you and I bicker, I let you you can win, to now and girls fight in addition to MY mouth, or can not win me.


You are the most important thing on my mind.


We can"t change the rules, but we can control ourselves.


I don"t know how long we"ll be together, but right now, I want to be with you forever.


No words don"t say we have, nothing to say is our end.


When are you coming back? I really can"t go on without you.

You are my favorite person in my life 你是我这辈子最爱的人。

You are my favorite person in my life.


I passed you and you and my back to walk.

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