
可用于表达感情的文案 既扎心又现实 宠溺如一



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Abandoned by the red lacquered door, the key can no longer open the previous home leading to happiness. In the cold night like water, once touched, drifted into the tunnel forgotten by memory. Golden dim body, with sadness and a few drops of solidified tears, frozen the deep and remote dreams with marks.


I finally passed you by and learned to be calm as stagnant water.


It"s the past that I can"t bear to explore in my life. In the mood of nostalgia, suddenly, suddenly understood. Originally, I was just an episode in your life. The corners of the mouth evoke a smile, burying this sad sorrow, and the heart has already been riddled with holes. Only wish, this life will never meet, never remember!


Life will get better if it is bad to a certain extent, because it can"t get worse.


Do you know that there will be no future after this parting?


Once there was a smile in my life, but it finally dissipated like fog, and that smile became a fast-flowing river deeply buried in my heart, which could not swim across, and the sound of that river became my desperate singing every day and every night.


I can"t forget you, because you are the scar in my heart forever.


You are heartless, I am unjust, and the straight line is always parallel from now on!


Should I forget all the unpleasantness? Forget your little affair with her.


In addition to mourning, there are only the last-time complaints in front of the tombstone.


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