
亲子中英文|This Halloween secret I only whispered to you


↓↓↓点下方名片,发现更多精彩↓↓作者 | 海外双语妈咪双语亲子时尚圈主编来源 | 双语亲子时尚圈ID:shuangyuqinzi时间 | 美国2021 10 31晚It is

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作者 | 海外双语妈咪(双语亲子时尚圈主编)

来源 | 双语亲子时尚圈(ID:shuangyuqinzi)

时间 | 美国2021.10.31晚

It is now the evening of October 31 here in the United States.

Halloween is here. Happy Halloween!



During the pandemic period, do you choose to stay at home, or go out with your friends to trick or treat? How are you spending Halloween this year?


Let Bilingual Parent-Child Fashion Circle take you on a bilingual Parent-Child Halloween trip today!


Today is Halloween, all kinds of demons and monsters are coming. Do you get scared?


I want to tell you a secret: if you know who they are and can say their names in English and Chinese, you will not be afraid of them anymore.


This Halloween secret, I only whispered to you


So, let"s go!


双语亲子福利: 6-12岁杂志礼包 0-14岁杂志

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...Halloween is a public holiday in the USA.2. Children say Treat or Trick on this day.3. People use pumpkins to make lanterns你就算不说Halloween这个单词,你说出上面的英语,同样可以表达Halloween的意思。这就是许多人不具备的英语交流能力和沟通能力。

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