
超暖心的治愈系文案 现实有意义 触动了眼泪


Although we cant change the world around us, we have to change ourselves and face it with love and wisdom 三千繁华,弹指刹那,百年过后,不过一捧黄沙

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Although we can"t change the world around us, we have to change ourselves and face it with love and wisdom.


Three thousand prosperous, the moment, one hundred years later, but a handful of sand.

人是有多狼狈,才被觉得需要有同类。 ?

People are how embarrassed, just feel the need to have similar. ?


Sound of blessing, deep friendship, please this stream carries all this, passing your door to you.Wish you a happy holiday!


You can either be beautiful or you can be smart. If you don"t have the best of both, please be nice.


Maturity is not the heart of the old, is still around smiling tears.If you shed tears, first wet is my heart.


Along the way, how much dust, you owe me love debt who will return me.


I spend more than you can not catch my heart.


Be what you want to be, then you meet the love you want to meet.The so-called temperature just love story, the so-called tired life of the hero dream.


When people are, they think there will always be opportunities. In fact, life is subtraction.


I have never been lovelorn, I just mistook for the wrong person occasionally when I was waiting for my lover at the intersection.


Man: "I have so many pens. Do you know which one I like best?"Female: "I don"t know" Male: "You are a baby"

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