
关于励志的座右铭文案 简短干净 值得收藏!


Race against time, review skillfully, study and practice hard to achieve good results, climb branches and win laurels, and g

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Once I thought that hard work and persistence is the shortcut to success. Later, I learned that persistence and efforts are the only way to success


The real courage is to move forward in the face of the uncertainty of this honor!


Race against time, review skillfully, study and practice hard to achieve good results, climb branches and win laurels, and give up who I am.

有时候,坚持了你最不想 干的事情之后,会得到你最想要的东西!

Sometimes, after sticking to the last thing you want to do, you will get what you want most!


Don"t aggrieve yourself, don"t force others, come on!


When you think it"s too late, it"s the earliest.


Respect in prosperity and discretion in adversity.


Don"t hate others, it will affect your judgment. Self control is the instinct of the strong.


If you have a way, go boldly; Dream, fly boldly.


What you see and hear depends largely on your position. It also depends on who you are.


Don"t be too capricious, because you live for the future. Don"t let the future hate the present.


At the age of struggle, please put down your lofty, put away your self-esteem, fade your ignorance, put on your reality, rush out of your flowering season and go out of your life.

唯一的人生座右铭:既然选择了, 就顺着它走下去吧。

The only motto of life: since you have chosen, follow it.


See your goal and the world is making way for you.



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