
英语每日十句:Tinnitus is a very painful thing


2、He was wearing new spectacles with gold wire frames 他戴着一副金丝边框的眼镜

友情提示:本文共有 717 个字,阅读大概需要 2 分钟。

1、I cut the bangs today, and I want to begin at the beginning.(我今天剪了刘海,一切从头开始。)

2、He was wearing new spectacles with gold wire frames.(他戴着一副金丝边框的眼镜。)

3、She likes boys in blue jeans and white shirts.(她喜欢穿着蓝色牛仔裤和白色衬衣的男孩。)

4、He is addicted to mobile phone games and can not extricate himself.(他沉迷手游,无法自拔。)

5、She has borne a cute boy.(她生了一个可爱的小男孩。)

6、You wear so much, but you don"t have me in your heart, still freeze to death.(你穿得再多,心里没我,还是冻死你。)

7、You are a cold dog in the north, but I am blowing air conditioners in the south.(你在北方冻成狗,我在南方吹空调。)

8、Persistence is a hard thing to do.(坚持是一件很难的事情。)

9、When I got up in the morning, I found my eyes had wrinkles.(早上起来,我发现自己眼角长了皱纹。)

10、Tinnitus is a very painful thing.(耳鸣是一件很痛苦的事情。)

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