
非常Nice的藏头诗 够你置顶很久很久的文案!


喜是天晴 欢是无雨 无论是那天地的神明There is a wasteland in my heart Happiness is sunny, happiness is rainless, whether it

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一、我是一个小笨蛋 爱喝奶茶 吃火锅 你愿意和我玩吗

I am a little fool. I love to drink milk tea and eat hot pot. Would you like to play with me

二、我给你推荐几部电影吧 喜剧之王 欢乐喜剧人 你的名字

Let me recommend some movies to you. What"s your name, king of comedy happy comedian

三、我最近有点剧荒了 喜羊羊与灰太狼 欢天喜地七仙女 你觉得我追哪部比较好呀

I"ve been a little scared recently. Pleasant Goat and Big Big Big Wolf are happy. Which one do you think is better for me to chase

四、我见山河涌 是爱隔佳人 你于瑶台望 跌入云海见

I see mountains and rivers chung is love to separate beautiful women. See you when you fall into the sea of clouds at Yaotai

五、你笑起来真好看 像春天的花一样 大街上偶遇你一样 便魂牵梦萦难以忘怀

You look so good when you smile, like a spring flower, when you meet in the street, you will never forget it.

六、我是个俗人 爱听好话 你要记得顺从

I"m a layman. You should remember to obey.


I won"t confess, love is so embarrassing, and you know Tibetan poetry is boring


I am handsome and handsome. After I want to go back to Iraq, you know how good it is.

九、我今天有点疑惑 爱情究竟是什么 你可不可以告诉我?

I wonder what love is today. Can you tell me?


My heart goes south to the north, I like fickle tears to turn to dust, I like Zhuang Sheng"s dream butterfly, and you are drunk when the night is long.

十一、我才不会说想你 爱谁说谁说 你听到了吗.

I"m not going to say who you love and who said you heard.

十二、我心底有一片荒地。 喜是天晴 欢是无雨 无论是那天地的神明

There is a wasteland in my heart. Happiness is sunny, happiness is rainless, whether it is the gods of that day.

十三、我刚听了一首歌 爱的飞行日记 你听过吗

I just listened to a song, love"s flight diary. Have you heard it

十四、我今天才知道 喜鹊喝太多可乐会变成乌鸦 欢迎光临说太多会变成谢谢惠顾 你的猫太喜欢你会变成兔子

I just learned today that magpies will become crows if they drink too much cola. Welcome to visit and say too much will become rabbits if they like you too much.

十五、我心底有一片荒地 喜是天晴 欢是无雨 你是那天地的神明

There is a wasteland in my heart. It is sunny or rainy. You are the god of that day

十六、我看到今天的天空好蓝 喜鹊跳上了枝头 欢快地叫着咿咿呀呀 你就站在树下

I see today"s sky is so blue. The magpie jumped on the branch and cried happily, baby, you stand under the tree.

十七、我不经常看 爱奇艺所以没有 你去问别人要叭。

I don"t watch iQiyi very often, so I don"t need you to ask others for a beep.

十八、我没有生气 只是不舒服 爱干啥干啥去 你不用管

I"m not angry. I"m just uncomfortable. You can do whatever you want.

十九、祝今日冰雪融化 你我目光依旧 生而坚定温柔 日月长久无忧 快意潇洒不同 乐与知己相拥

I wish today"s ice and snow melt. Your eyes are still strong and gentle. The sun and the moon will be carefree and happy for a long time.

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