
对自己失望的文案 伤感落寞 触动人心!


Im more afraid of the person I like leaving me than the light is dark 笑着笑着就哭了的我,到底是开心还是难过

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I"m more afraid of the person I like leaving me than the light is dark.


I cried with a smile. Is it happy or sad.


When I am awake, I feel that life is meaningless, but when I am lonely, I long for someone to accompany me.


I"ve never given up on you, but I"ll give up on myself.


It turned out that no one would care about me after I left.


Then I like someone too bad, so I may be abandoned.


I"ve tried my best, but our result is still bad. What else can I do?


Suddenly found that nothing can make me very happy, and nothing can make me unhappy.


Without the original pride, I slowly lost my original self.


Too cheap sugar is not so sweet after all.


Those unspeakable pain, like slapping in the face, made me speechless.

说实话,我挺羡慕那些不懂事的孩子,因为我的懂事并没有让我过 得 更好。

To tell the truth, I envy those children who are not sensible, because my sensible has not made me live better.


Remember the first time I cried red eyes, when you said I wasn"t good enough.


The biggest difference between us should be that I regard you as the only one, and I am only one of you.



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