
舒缓创伤的绝美文案 温情而文艺 守望快乐!


Many people told me to take good care of myself, but no one ever said I will take care of you in the future 你要明白,不是每个人都会喜欢你,迁就你,爱你

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Many people told me to take good care of myself, but no one ever said "I will take care of you in the future".


You should understand that not everyone will like you, accommodate you and love you. You should also know that not the whole world hates you, ignores you and cherishes you. While learning to be ruthless, learn to see through everything. It"s still a long way to go, so you can continue to dream.


Can"t help crying, can"t help breaking the bank"s love, can"t help thinking about every moment with you, and knowing that I love you.


You can come back if you miss the beautiful scenery, wait if you miss the meteor, and never come back if you miss the love.


Is there someone you don"t love but you are unhappy when he is kind to others?


Like classics, dreams never fade, but they are more precious.


Either you can"t keep up with me, or I walked too fast and accidentally left you behind. In fact, all missed love, the reason is the same.


I thought we were true love. I thought he loved me. I thought we would never be apart. However, it turns out that all this is just a lie.


I endure to scold, I endure to fight, but who knows why I am so humble?


Gao Fushuai is no different from Xuanquan in treating love. His first impression is to judge a book by its cover.

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