
英语每日十句:Your life depends on yourself


2、Peace was finally restored in the city 城市终于恢复了平静

友情提示:本文共有 519 个字,阅读大概需要 2 分钟。

1、That person looks familiar. (这人看着很眼熟。)

2、Peace was finally restored in the city. (城市终于恢复了平静。)

3、Your life depends on yourself.(自己的人生要靠自己争取。)

4、He has no ear for music. (他没有音乐细胞。)

5、He had a natural flair for business.(他有做生意的头脑。)

6、I want to return to my mother"s arms.(好想回到妈妈的怀抱。)

7、You should pay more attention to rest and drink plenty of water.(你要多注意休息,多喝水。)

8、Just wait for me for a few minutes.(等我几分钟。)

9、His words stirred memories of his heart.(他的话激起了他心底的回忆。)

10、His temperament comes from the book he read.(他的气质源于他读的书。)

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