
适合置顶的心情文案 温柔又文雅 适合收藏


Next life I will grow into the way you like, and then dont like you 我不是你想象中的那样完美那样坚强,金钱和美女就足以把我征服

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Next life I will grow into the way you like, and then don"t like you.


I am not as perfect and strong as you imagine. Money and beauty are enough to conquer me.


You made me one meter of sunshine, but gave me the vicissitudes of life.


I pretend I don"t care you, but still I feel the pain.


There is a kind of moving called sharing, there is a kind of happiness called secret love.


No matter how the world becomes, as long as you will be heaven.


See you appear, feel the whole body in the electricity, wake up to catch light, sleep to catch dreams, meet you.


The beginning is always sweet


Life is lonely to come and go, no one can be destined for life, no one can take care of who life, love, ah, to use happiness forever!


Don"t be with someone who doesn"t understand you, because poor IQ is the most difficult distance in this world


You have given me the love, is the helpless and despair of this world.


"Because I only smoke when I"m thinking about you, and thinking about someone else really kills me."

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