
高级又走心的情感文案 现实又无奈 抚慰受伤的心


Give yourself a break and try to give love a way out 如果把我内心的愧疚真说出来,怕你觉得我没出息,可是不说出来,自己又觉得自己没出息

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"What kind of pet do you like to keep?""Do you know what I want to raise?""What?""Have you"


Maybe it"s my naivete that hurts your heart!Stop torturing yourself with your painful past!I don"t hurt you!


Give yourself a break and try to give love a way out.


If I really say out my inner guilt, I"m afraid you think I"m hopeless, but I don"t say it, and I feel hopeless.


I"m finally indifferent to your glowing head.I sent my heart to the wrong address, now please return to me!


Don"t be disappointed in the world, there will be grass within a hundred paces.


Let them roll when they need to roll


Don"t say love easily, the promise is a debt owed!


Hidden in the bottom of my heart is not deliberately to hide, but not all the pain can cry.


Giving up doesn"t mean you"re weak, sometimes it means you"re strong enough to let go.


If I am not brave, who will be strong for me.


The number of your memories, was prosperous and beautiful.

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