
Day 19 每天18个短语和用法 做到会学会用


2 cross ones fingers 祈求成功eg :Keep your fingers crossed!祈求好运吧!3 cross ones mind想法等出现,掠过eg :A sudden thought crossed my mind 我突然有个想法

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1. cross one"s heart 发誓,说真话

eg.: I cross my heart to you that it"s true.


2. cross one"s fingers 祈求成功

eg.:Keep your fingers crossed!


3. cross one"s mind(想法等)出现,掠过

eg.:A sudden thought crossed my mind.


4. cry out 痛哭;大声呼喊;需要

eg.:This system is crying out for reform.


5. cry over spilt milk 为已经发生而无法补救的事懊悔

eg.:You have lost the game but don"t cry over spilt milk.


6. curious about 好奇,想知道

eg.:Don"t be so curious about my affairs!


7. cut away 切掉,切除;迅速离开

eg.:He cut away the material which he didn"t need.


8. cut back 修剪;削减;急忙返回

eg.:The manager cut back to his company for the meeting to be held.


9. cut down 削减;缩短

eg.:Your article"s too long—please cut it down to 1000 words.


10. cut in 插入;插嘴

eg.:She kept cutting in on our conversation.


11. cut off 切断;断绝;妨碍

eg.:Our water supply has been cut off.


12. cut out 切除,删去;停止,(两人)相当,相配

eg.:You can cut out the unimportant details.


13. cut short 缩短;突然结束;打断;简而言之

eg.:His hair has been cut short.


14. cut through 抄近路;克服;刺穿

eg.:He cut through a forest to get home.


15. cut up 切碎;歼灭;使伤心;谴责

eg.:Please cut up the vegetables very fine.


16. day after day 日复一日;连续地

eg.:Day after day went by and still no message arrived.


17. day and night 日日夜夜

eg.:He worked hard day and night.


18. day by day 一天天,逐日

eg.:Her health was improving day by day.


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