
安抚伤心的小短句 既扎心又现实 句句有理!


I really flower heart, like every day you and every you 世间五味俱全,谢谢你给我的甜

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I really flower heart, like every day you and every you.


There are all kinds of flavors in the world. Thank you for the sweetness.


If memory is a square city, so, I am willing to draw a prison, will be trapped in their own.


Holding on to things that don"t belong to me only hurts me.


My sky began to rain but I feel so hurt without an umbrella.


We can see the prosperity, but can not touch the memories.


Are you safe in the distance of distant thoughts, change is my face, the same is always love your heart!


Everyone has a wound in his heart, which is the place where he collapsed the day before yesterday.


Always thinking of you, although we can not share every minute.


Without me, you really need electricity.


Male: "Can you wash something for me?"Female: "ok, wash what?"Male: "Like me"


Don"t argue with those who don"t agree, don"t complain to those who don"t care about you, don"t please those who don"t like themselves, it"s really unnecessary and not worth it.

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