
温馨的情绪短句 三观超正 懂你心绪不安


Loneliness will feel sad, tears will feel bitter, abandonment will feel heartbreaking, betrayal will feel annoying 你总是让我哭泣,但我的脑海里满是你

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Lonely people can always remember everyone in their lives, just as I always miss you deeply!


Loneliness will feel sad, tears will feel bitter, abandonment will feel heartbreaking, betrayal will feel annoying.


You always make me cry, but my mind is full of you. Is this love? Am I crazy ~


Cook a glass of wine lightly. For whom? Let me miss, let me cry, love you and I have no regrets!


Without you, I won"t cry again. It is said that people who can cry may not know sadness best.


Without you, I can only keep crying until my tears flow into the stairs leading to heaven, so that I can meet you again.


When you were by my side, I didn"t treat you well, but pushed you away again and again. But when you really turned around and left, I found that I was used to your existence. How can I go on alone now?


I walk by the river of years, wandering around, I am sad, I laugh, I cry and I sigh.


Without me, what would you do for a girl who cries when listening to old songs? This message has 1000 decibels. I don"t care about their mouths. I just want to save your dream for the evening.


Going out to work for a year, I didn"t earn a penny, and I didn"t dare to go home! Dad called and said, go home for the Spring Festival! No money, my son! I secretly shed tears.

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