
唯美高级的情感文案 充满正能量 宠溺如一


When I say I dont love you, just as you say you love me, it is a lie 男:我们打个赌,你输了做我女票

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When I say I don"t love you, just as you say you love me, it is a lie.


Male: We make a bet, you lose to be my female ticket.W: What bet?M: I"m taller than you!


A fame but three feet of dust, the right to pour the world what if shou tianya.

为了一个你,我和多少人淡了关系。 结果,你走了,他们也没了。

For a you, AND how many people I light the relationship. As a result, you"re gone, and so are they.


Who should be who robbed, who has become who"s obsession.


I never thought that one day I would be cool and not crazy.


One day I will silently walk away from you, without any sound I missed a lot, I was always a sad person.


Distance roughly means: you know I am not asleep, I know you are not asleep, looking at each other"s updates, but can not say a word.


Don"t mix your wisdom with arrogance.Don"t let your modesty lack wisdom.

学不会捧臭脚 也学不会拍马屁

You can"t flatter your feet or kiss ass


I only take a look at the time to fall, but use a lifetime to miss.


Unrequited love is like listening to music with earphones, all the noise and deafening only you know, others can only hear some small noise.

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