
缤FUN英语/社交英语 Social English



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Excuse me, do you speak English?

Excuse me. Is anyone sitting here?/ Is this seat free/occupied?

Excuse me, is this the right place/ the right room for...?

Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. I"m here to see/ meet Peter Pan. (I"m guessing that"s you.)


I should probably introduce myself. My name is Peter Pan (but please call me Peter / but everyone calls me Peter).

Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself.

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Peter Pan (from Hong Kong/... institution/school)

(Yes.) That"s right. / That"s me. (And you must be.../ And you are?)

I"m sorry, I didn"t catch your name.




Good / Pretty good / Wonderful

Really great / Brilliant

Very well/ Not (so/ too) bad/ Fine

Not so good/ Not so great


How"s the essay writing workshop?

It was really great. The workshop helps me refine the way I structure my essay, and now I know how to avoid one-liner paragraphs. But I really need someone to comment on my writing...


I"m studying (for)... at...

I majored in English Language and Literature / Engineering / Finance...

I work for ABC Company.

I"m in charge of/ I"m responsible for...

I work in the...department/ division/ section of ABC Limited.


I"d rather not say (if you don"t mind).



It was my (great) pleasure to meet you.

It"s great / nice to meet you.

I hope you had a good time / I hope you enjoyed yourself... / I hope you learnt a great deal...

Thanks again for taking the time to come here today.

Thanks, that was really...lovely to meet you / useful seminar / productive discussion / very inspirational talk / stimulating workshop / a real eye opener/...

Take care./ Bon voyage./ Have a safe journey (back/ home).

Please pass on my regards to...

Please say "Hi" to...from me.

I hope we have the chance to meet again (soon).

I look forward to hearing from you / seeing you/ your call.

See you soon.


下集我们讨论Small Talk──跟素未谋面的人谈论一些不重要的事情,但可以建立初步的人际关系。

大专院校语文讲师、企业培训讲师及国际英文公开试主考官 Miss Carol




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