
适合晚上发的伤感文案 让人在深夜孤独的心碎 催人泪下



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Suddenly I feel that I came along this road to meet you. Although I don’t know if I will have the opportunity to get in touch and understand in the future, I am still very grateful. Meeting you is like meeting myself.

2、我记得,我做过一件事儿。我不知道有多少人还能记得我,我就每天自己编辑一张图片,上面写上一句话,早晚各发一次,群发。收到群发图片问候的,有的很开心。有的不动声色拉黑了你,有的善意提醒你,还有的没有说过话。 可能好多的遇见,只是出现在了的某个时间被需要。

I remember, I did one thing. I don’t know how many people still remember me, so I edit a picture by myself every day, write a sentence on it, and post it once in the morning and in the evening. Some are very happy to receive group greetings. Some quietly blackened you, some kindly reminded you, and some never said anything. There may be a lot of encounters, but they are needed at a certain time.


If you can, then don’t meet it. I added a period of trouble to you. You added a period of disappointment to me. In the end, both sides were injured, but you quickly healed. Thank you for showing me something more terrifying than reality-the human heart. If you can, never see again.


In order to meet you, I started to get up early every day, just to meet you in the cafeteria, to meet you, and to look forward to the daily lunch, to meet you, to sit at the door, to meet you, to study late and to leave get out of class until the end, to meet you often In order to meet you, I will fetch water after each get out of class.


I never thought that I would like someone. Later I saw the clouds fall behind me and realized that like it was a mixture of loss and joy. Later I felt happy. I don"t know if I will marry you, but I will only meet you, a you who have been kind to me since a stranger.


A few months ago, I seemed to like a person. I can’t like it now, and I don’t deserve to fall in love. I will become good for the sake of meeting me. I vaguely felt that he had a little meaning before, but it was elusive. The beginning of the chat made me feel very comfortable now, but suddenly he answered one or two words at a certain moment. I know that the momentary likes will gradually fade over time, and I will lose the original fun.


I know we never have a future. It"s been more than a year since we broke up for the first time, which is a pity. Unexpectedly, we still dispersed in the end. I really don"t have the courage to look for you anymore. I think I should really try to let it go. Maybe there will be something better than me in the future, please remember that you were also my half-life. That"s it! I should put it down.


The meaning of hard work is probably, I hope I can be worthy of better, whether it is people or things. Specifically, I hope that when a better person or thing is in front of me, I can have the courage to say I want it openly and confidently to catch it smoothly. Now that I say "I am not good enough" does not mean that I am humbled as before, but I feel that I can be better, and do my best to give people in the future a better lover

9、如果不能结婚就谈一辈子恋爱,我知道,我现在这么非是因为我把所有运气都用在遇见你,一切都是为了遇见你,虽然往后会很难 只要有你在,你走慢点,我跑上去追你

If I can’t get married, I’ll stay in love for the rest of my life. I know that I’m doing this now because I use all my luck to meet you, and everything is to meet you, although it will be difficult in the future as long as you are there, you go slower, I ran up to chase you


In order to meet you, I worked hard. I wrote your name when I missed you. From the beginning of school until now I have finished writing a book. I often look at your home from afar. I call you when I really miss you. It’s okay to be kind and questionable, no one answered, or it’s turned off or on a call, anyway, I miss you, really, I miss you, and I haven’t called you a godmother in person. Yeah, but I yelled it countless times in my heart, but when I came to you, I was shocked

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