
We see eye to eye on this是说相互对视吗?其实该俚语另有所指



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see eye to eye完全同意。这个习语源自《圣经:以赛亚书52:8》。在圣经当中,see eye to eye的确有“面对面,互相对视”之意,但后来渐渐引申出“所见一致”与“意见相同”的用法。当后面要点明“针对某件事情”的看法时,需用介词on。

看看老外聊天时怎么用see eye to eye:

Henry: Did you know that Josh and Dan are in charge of our next project?

Fanny: Really? Whose idea was that?

Henry: I heard that is a demand made by the client.

Fanny: He obviously doesn"t know our team very well.

Henry: Yeah. They don"t see eye to eye on most issues.






see eye to eye例句精选:

It is a mere coincidence that they see eye to eye on this point.


I don"t see eye to eye with him.


The two of them can never see eye to eye.


He see eye to eye with Mary on this matter.



consensus 一致

acquiesce 默认;默许

reconsider 重新考虑

on the same wavelength 相互理解

shift one"s ground 改变某人的立场


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