


I would like to walk with you through the wind and waves until I see the sun 陪伴是最长情的温柔,不离是最坚定的答案

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我愿与你走过大风大浪 , 直到看见阳光。

I would like to walk with you through the wind and waves until I see the sun.


Companionship is the gentleness of the longest love, and it is the most firm answer.


Subconsciously avoiding because of nervousness, looking back because I like it.


In all the joy of life , I yearn for you alone.


I"m saving it for the boy who"s worth it.


I want to wear a white veil one day, and then run to you with joy.


I don"t know how to describe you. All I know is that you"re different from everyone I"ve ever met.

生活应该是美好又温柔的 , 希望你也是。

Life should be beautiful and gentle, I hope you are too.


It is not necessarily a prince who rides a white horse , but it may be a Tang priest.

如果你受委屈了 , 就来我怀里躲一躲吧。

If you are wronged, come and hide in my arms.


There will really be children who will continue to love you after crying.


Since then, the mountains and rivers have been silent forever . Is it a long time to come.





随身的行囊装些快乐。Pack your bags and have some fun. 风吹日晒,自由自在。The wind is blowing and the sun is free一种生活过久了,总想出去走走。A kind of life is too long , always want to go out for a walk. 旅行是治愈坏心情的良药,音乐也是。Travel ...

2013-05-01 #经典句子

神仙宝藏文案温柔 宝藏文案温柔女生专用

神仙宝藏文案温柔 宝藏文案温柔女生专用


2007-07-20 #经典句子



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2022-11-23 #经典句子



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2009-05-04 #经典句子



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2022-12-03 #经典句子

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...一点还好,我可以等你但是你一定要来如果你没来那就当月亮失约了It"s better later. I can wait for you, but you have to come if you don"t come, then when the moon loses the contract原野是春光赐予人间的亲吻。The field is a kiss given to the world by the spring ligh...

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2012-03-26 #经典句子



... All I know is that you"re different from everyone I"ve ever met. 温柔的好天气,总是和你一样,让人止不住心动。Gentle good weather, always like you, people can"t stop the heart. 只要步履不停,我们总会遇见。As long as we keep walking, we will always m...

2022-12-22 #经典句子