


2 MillionsofpairsoffakeLevisjeanshavebeenseizedallaroundthewould 译文:成双成双的仿冒李维斯牛仔裤被占领

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1. Hespentseveralhoursattheairporttryingtothinkwhathisdaughter"snamewasandwhereitwasthatshelived,buttonoavail.译文:他在机场呆了几个小时,想着他女儿的名字,想着她住在哪里,但是都没想起来。

2. MillionsofpairsoffakeLevi"sjeanshavebeenseizedallaroundthewould.译文:成双成双的仿冒李维斯牛仔裤被占领。

3. However,TVfilmlastnightsuggestedthatthestarter"sflagfailedtounfurlafterthesecondfalsestart.译文:然而,昨晚的电视影像表明,在第二次起跑犯规后,发令员的旗帜未能展开。

4. IntheUK,policeseizedalmostamillionpiratevideoswhichhadbeenillegallyrecordedlastyear.译文:在英国,警方查获了去年非法录制的一百万个海盗视频。

5. Staffmustensurethattheirhands(andnails)arespotlesslyclean.译文:工作人员必须确保他们的手(和指甲)一尘不染。

6. Millions of pairs of fake Levi"s jeans have been seized all around the would. 译文:成双成双的仿冒李维斯牛仔裤被占领。

7. Last night, an inquiry into the fiasco was centring on a recall, or "flag man", Mr. Ken Evans, whose job it is to halt riders after a false start has been signalled. 译文:昨晚,对这次惨败的调查集中在召回肯·埃文斯,也就是“旗手”身上,他的工作就是在一个错误的开始被发出信号后阻止骑手。

8. Staff must not wear their own cardigans, coats, etc. over their white coats. 译文:员工不得穿自己的羊毛衫、外套等穿白色外套。

9. She appeared woozy as she stood at courtside and then collapsed. 译文:她站在球场边,似乎一阵眩晕,然后就瘫倒在地。

10. Bad sewing and poor shape are the most obvious signs that a pair of jeans is a fake. 译文:缝制不良和形状不良是最明显的迹象表明,一条牛仔裤是假的。

11. When considering the case of the disappearing detective novelist, it turns out to be useful to learn the lessons Christie herself has taught us in her detective fiction. 译文:在考虑消失的侦探小说家的情况时,结果证明克里斯蒂在她的侦探小说中教给我们的课程是有用的。

12. When Victor left school and went to the University of Ingoldstadt, he continued with these studies and gradually formed a desire to "unfold the deepest mysteries of creation" and to create a living thing himself. 译文:当维克多中学毕业进入英戈尔德斯塔特大学时,他继续进行这些研究,并逐渐形成了“揭开造物最深奥秘”并自己创造生物的愿望。

13. This new life, or the place where it might be enjoyed, is sometimes called heaven, although some religions envisage another place for those who have not followed their religious code in this life and this place is often known as hell. 译文:这种新生,或它可以享受的地方,有时被称为天堂或地狱,尽管一些宗教设想为那些在这一生中没有遵循他们的宗教准则的人设想另一个地方。

14. However several witnesses have said they were not asked to show their credentials. 译文:然而,几位目击者说他们都没有被要求出示证件。

15. They lose about 10 million US dollars every year from a turnover of about $ 1 billion. 译文:他们每年损失约1000万美元,营业额约为10亿美元。

16. Eventually, he decided that he would have to give up his plan to visit her and he caught the next plane back to England. 译文:最终,他决定放弃去拜访她的计划,他赶上了回英国的下一班飞机。

17. Note that you must keep the zero at the beginning of the number to be sure you always have a three-digit number. 译文:请注意,在数字开头的零必须保留,以确保始终具有三位数字。

18. If I was offered the job in your office, I would need to take two weeks off for the tour. 译文:如果贵公司给我提供这份工作,我可能需要请两周的假去旅行。

19. Mr. Evans, a flag man for more than 10 years, was being interviewed by the racing stewards at Aintree last night. 译文:埃文斯先生已经当了10多年的旗手,昨天晚上正在接受安特里赛车管理员的采访。

20. For most, it is a belief that the ‘spirit’ of the person, not the body, will find another life beyond death. 译文:对大多数信徒而言,他们相信人的“精神”,而不是肉体,将在死亡之后找到新生。

21. The bottle you buy will be in a fancy wrapper, so you won"t know what you have bought until too late. 译文:你买的瓶子包装精美,所以要等到太晚你才知道你买了什么。

22. The pharmaceutical industry is combining with the universities, governments and the medical profession in a global campaign to suppress the lethal, $150 billion international trade in counterfeit drugs. 译文:制药业正在与大学、政府和医学界联合开展一场全球运动,以抑制致命的、价值1500亿美元的假药国际贸易。

23. Jockey John White who for a few moments believed he had won the Grand National, was close to tears as he realized that it had all been in vain. 译文:骑师约翰·怀特曾一度认为他赢得了全国冠军,当他意识到这一切都是徒劳时,他几乎要哭了。

24. T-shirt fakes generally have the correct pictures and writing on them but often the quality of the printing is awful and the material is horribly cheap. 译文:T恤假货一般有正确的图片上写上他们却经常的印刷质量是可怕的,可怕的廉价材料。

25. The only explanation he could give for his forgetfulness was that he was very tired. 译文:对于他的健忘,他唯一能解释的就是他太累了。

26. And the wearing of a "Lacoste" shirt, even if it is a hideous color and the crocodile is coming unstuck, is a sigh that this person has probably travelled far. 译文:穿着一件“鳄鱼牌”衬衫,即使它是一种丑陋的颜色,而且鳄鱼正在脱毛,也是这个人可能已经走了很远的叹息。

27. The labels, and how and where they are put on, might also give the game away. 译文:标签,以及如何以及在哪里放置,也可能使游戏消失。

28. Another thing which might help you spot a fake is the quality of the printing on the label. 译文:另一件可能帮助你发现假货的事情是标签上印刷的质量。

29. The fakes were good and they were being sold for about two thirds the price of the genuine shoes, so buyers were not suspicious. 译文:假货质量很好,而且售价是真鞋的三分之二左右,所以买家并不怀疑。

30. There is a system in the Tunnel for electrocuting stray animals. 译文:在隧道里有一个系统用来驱散流浪动物。

31. Staff must not wear their hair loose. Both men and women with long hair must tie it back tidily. 译文:工作人员不得松开头发。无论男女长头发都必须绑好。

32. Pill piracy involves production of convincing copies of life-or-death medicines such as insulin, antibiotics and antivirals. 译文:药品侵权涉及生产一些足以以假乱真的仿冒药物,包括诸如胰岛素、抗生素和抗病毒药物等关乎生死的药物。

33. When you try it before you buy it, you will almost certainly be given a sample of the real thing. 译文:在你购买之前试用的时候,店家几乎肯定会给你拿一个真的样品。

34. It"s still worth looking at the box, if you have bought the perfume before, as there are occasionally little differences which you might spot. 译文:如果你以前买过这种香水,那么仔细看一看包装盒还是有用的,因为偶尔你也许会发现一些细微的差别。

35. The race was eventually declared void, 50 minutes after its scheduled start, the Aintree officials said the recall flag had not been shown. 译文:安特里的官员说,比赛预定开始后50分钟,比赛最终宣布无效,召回标志没有显示。

36. In fact, bringing home a selection of fake goods is part of the fun of travelling. 译文:事实上,带一些仿品回家正是旅游的乐趣之一。

37. The shoe resembles those Mrs. Christie is believed to have been wearing. 译文:鞋子和克里斯蒂太太穿的一样。

38. Seven jockeys completed the course, ignoring frantic attempts to hault them. 译文:七名骑师完成了课程,而忽略了疯狂的尝试。

39. There is a system for X-raying whole cars. 译文:有一套系统可以对汽车整体进行X光扫描检查。

40. Having abandoned her rather randomly packed travelling case and coat in the car, how did she manage to make the journey to London and then to Harrogate? 译文:她把略显凌乱的行李箱和外套都丢在车里了,又是怎么去到了伦敦,然后又到了哈罗盖特的呢?

41. The Downs have been exhaustively explored, ponds have been dragged, and woods combed and recombed in the hope of finding the missing woman. 译文:唐人街已经被彻底地勘察过了,池塘被拖走了,树林被重新梳理过,希望能找到失踪的女人。

42. In almost every religion, people worship a god, or sometimes a goddess. They see this god as a being who is perfect and who has power over them. 译文:在几乎每一种宗教中,人们都崇拜上帝,有时崇拜女神。他们把这位神看作是一个完美无缺、对他们有能力的存在。

43. In front of an international television audience, the Grand National Britain"s steeplechase, on which more than 75 million pounds of bets had been placed, ended in bewilderment after two false starts. 译文:在一群国际电视观众面前,英国首屈一指的障碍赛在两次失误后以困惑而告终。

44. Quite often, there is a ringing noise in the background which is the result of copying the cassette at too high a speed. 译文:通常,背景中有一种铃声一样的噪音,这是以太高的速度复制盒式磁带的结果。

45. All staff must wear their white coats at all times. 译文:所有员工必须穿白色外套。

46. Victor developed a particular interest in sciences, and was especially fascinated by electricity and the question of the source of life. 译文:维克多对科学产生了特别的兴趣,尤其对电和生命之源等问题非常着迷。

47. In modern times, religion has acquired a wider meaning. 译文:在现代,宗教具有更广泛的意义。

48. These prayers are often said aloud,but sometimes silent prayer is the normal practice. 译文:这些祈祷经常要大声说出来,但有时默祷是正常的做法。

49. The police in England and in France have the power to arrest wrong-doers on each other"s side of the Tunnel. 译文:英格兰和法国的警察有权在隧道两侧逮捕作恶者。

50. According to practically all religions, there is a proper way to behave in this life and rules have been laid down by many religions for their people to follow. 译文:根据几乎所有的宗教,在生命中有一种适当的行为方式,许多宗教已经为他们的人民制定了可遵循的规则。

51. To help people understand and practice their religion, there are books which tell stories and give guidance on how to behave in accordance with the teaching of that particular religion. 译文:为了帮助人们理解和锻炼自己的宗教,有一些书讲述故事,并指导人们如何按照特定宗教的授课行事。

52. It took 170 billion hours of work to complete the tunnel. 译文:完成隧道花费了1700亿个小时的时间。

53. National frontiers are about 55 m beyond the toll-booth which you pass at the start of your journey. 译文:国境线大约55米以外的收费亭,你通过在你的旅程开始。

54. A pharmacy training initiative launched by 20 poor West African countries to confront the growing international trade in counterfeit medicines has been widened into a major United Nations campaign to stamp out a global menace. 译文:20个西非贫穷国家发起药房培训倡议,以应对日益增长的国际假药贸易,这一倡议已扩大为联合国消除全球威胁的重大运动。

55. Staff must ensure that their hands (and nails) are spotlessly clean. 译文:工作人员必须确保他们的手(和指甲)一尘不染。

56. Some of the major film companies are now putting a special security seal on their video cassettes. 译文:一些主要的电影公司现在在他们的录像带上放上特殊的安全封条。

57. Reebok, the sports shoe manufacturers, frequently come across cheap imitations of their trainers. 译文:锐步,运动鞋制造商,经常遇到便宜的模仿他们的教练。

58. Later reports suggested that her attacker, an eastern German, was a fan of her German tennis rival, Steffi Graf, and had wanted to stop Seles from playing. 译文:后来的报道称,袭击她的是一个东德人,是她的对手——德国网球选手格拉夫——的球迷,袭击塞莱斯是为了阻止她打球。

59. Cartier, the makers of expensive watches, suffer enormous problems as a result of counterfeiting. 译文:昂贵的手表制造商卡地亚由于伪造而遭受了巨大的问题。

60. The conference was a milestone and marked a shift from traditional development and life styles to the start of sustained development in the global economy. 译文:这次会议是一个里程碑,标志着从传统的发展和生活方式向全球经济可持续发展的开始转变。

61. Although they would never buy a fake watch or a fake Gucchi handbag at home, people change their approach when they travel abroad. 译文:虽然他们在国内从不买假表或假古奇手提包,但是人们出国旅行时改变了他们的方式。

62. They go to street markets and anywhere else where they can seek out the counterfeit "designer label" clothes and "Rolex" watches which they know they can buy for a fraction of the price they would have to pay back home. 译文:他们去街头市场和其他任何地方,在那里他们可以找到假冒的“名牌”衣服和“劳力士”手表,他们知道他们可以买这些衣服和手表的价格,他们将不得不支付回家的一小部分。

63. The best explanation for why the Mayans counted in sets of twenty is that they didn"t wear shoes! 译文:玛雅人为什么要数到二十组,最好的解释是他们没有穿鞋!

64. For other groups, there are not set prayers and people can pray to their god in any way they wish. 译文:对于其他小组,没有设定祈祷,人们可以任何方式向他们的上帝祈祷。

65. It is sometimes said that the ancient Romans counted on the fingers of just one hand because they needed to keep their other hand free to grab their swords. 译文:据说古罗马人只用一只手的手指数剑,因为他们需要让另一只手自由地拿剑。

66. Her assailant, Guenther Parche, was given a two-year suspended sentence. 译文:她的袭击者Guenther Parche被判两年缓刑。

67. Generally, there are special people who lead religious groups, either locally or in a regional or worldwide capacity, and have a ‘title’ which is recognized by the community. 译文:一般来说,宗教团体都有一些特殊的领导者,无论是在当地,还是在区域或世界范围内,他们都有一个得到团体承认的“头衔”。

68. I had a summer job in an accountant"s office where I was responsible for keeping all the papers in order. 译文:我曾在一家会计师事务所做暑期工作,负责整理所有的文件。

69. The 19-year-old was sitting in her chair during a change-over when a man lunged at her with a long-bladed knife. 译文:这名19岁的女孩在换衣服时坐在椅子上,这时一个男人拿着一把长刀向她扑来。

70. However, TV film last night suggested that the starter"s flag failed to unfurl after the second false start. 译文:然而,昨晚的电视影像表明,在第二次起跑犯规后,发令员的旗帜未能展开。

71. The main tunnels are between 25 m and 40 m below the sea. 译文:主隧道位于海底以下25米到40米之间。

72. Although counterfeit goods are costing companies around the world billions and billions of dollars in lost sales, most people are only too happy to take advantage of the low-price, "imitation" goods on sale. 译文:虽然假冒商品的成本公司全球几十亿、几十亿美元的销售损失,大多数人都乐意采取低价格优势,“模仿”出售的货物。

73. Most religions believe that their followers should pray to their god and many have set prayers for different occasions. 译文:大多数宗教认为他们的信徒应该向他们的上帝祈祷,许多宗教已经为不同的场合做了祈祷。

74. Staff handling uncovered food must wear the hats provided. 译文:处理未明食品的工作人员必须戴上帽子。

75. The attacker was pounced on by security men and members of the crowd, and carried away by four guards. 译文:袭击者被安保人员和观众扑倒,然后被四名警卫抬走了。

76. When it comes to audio cassettes, the most usual tell-tale sign is the quality of the recording. 译文:当谈到录音盒时,最常见的符号是录音质量。

77. The boring of the Tunnel took three and a half years. 译文:隧道的沉闷花了三年半的时间。

78. The problem is not the obvious fakes which are sold at about $20 but the near perfect copies which sell for $500 or $600. 译文:问题不在于那些售价20美元左右的明显假货,而在于那些售价500美元或600美元的近乎完美的复制品。

79. Although I wasn"t responsible for the filing, I often helped the filing clerk and now understand the principles of filing. 译文:虽然我不负责归档,但经常给归档员帮忙,现在明白了归档的原则。

80. If the hours could be arranged so that I didn"t start work before 3 pm, I would be happy to accept any arrangement, and even to vary my times of work to suit you. 译文:如果能安排好工作时间,这样我就不能在下午3点之前开始工作,我很乐意接受任何安排,甚至改变工作时间来适应你。

81. Some of the copies look almost exactly the same as the real thing, but the inferior ones often have bad stitching. 译文:有些仿冒品看起来和真品几乎完全一样,但劣质的往往都会缝得很差。

82. She received a 1 inch cut between her shoulders and was taken to a hospital nearby after being attended on court. 译文:她被割伤了1英寸的肩膀,在法庭上被送往附近的医院。

83. I enjoy organising things and have used a word-processor for the last two years. 译文:两年前,我喜欢组织事物,使用文字处理机。

84. I would like to ask you whether I could complete the 12 hours of work between Monday and Thursday as I wouldn"t be able to work on Fridays. 译文:我想问这12个小时的工作可否安排在星期一到星期四之内完成,因为我星期五无法工作。

85. I am going to do a secretarial course, so I would like to get some experience of working in an office. 译文:我打算做秘书课程,所以我想在一个办公室里得到一些工作经验。

86. Now, religions, of whatever sort, are based on beliefs and have particular practices which affect individuals and the societies they live in. 译文:现在,无论是什么宗教,都是以信仰为基础的,都有着影响到个人和他们所生活的社会的特殊习俗。

87. Even though I would only be doing routine jobs in your office, I might learn something about legal matters. 译文:即使我只是在你们办公室做日常工作,我也可能学到一些法律知识。

88. In one month, 1,000 pairs of fake shoes were found in Birmingham, England, and 4,000 more were discovered in Finland. 译文:一个月内,在英国伯明翰发现了1000双假鞋,在芬兰发现了4000双。

89. But this monster is so big and frightening that everyone runs away from him -- even Frankenstein himself! 译文:但是这个怪物又大又恐怖,以至于每个人都被吓跑了——甚至连弗兰肯斯坦自己也不例外!

90. All the train drivers are bi-lingual. 译文:所有的火车司机都是双语的。

91. Somewhere to get together and worship their god is another feature shared by practically all religions. 译文:聚集在某处一起敬拜他们的神是几乎所有宗教共有的另一个特征。

92. One rider who was never going to travel far was Richard Dunwoody, who found the heavy starting tape winding itself so tightly round his neck that when horses coming behind him trod on the streaming tape he was almost yanked from the saddle of Won"t Be Gone Long. 译文:理查德·邓伍迪是位注定走不远的骑手,他发现沉重的起跑带紧紧地缠绕在他的脖子上,以至于当后来的马踩在带子上时,几乎把他从“不会走远”的马鞍上拽了下来。

93. He spent several hours at the airport trying to think what his daughter"s name was and where it was that she lived, but to no avail. 译文:他在机场呆了几个小时,想着他女儿的名字,想着她住在哪里,但是都没想起来。

94. The drive involves higher education institutions, the medical profession, drug companies, wholesalers, pharmacists and the packaging industry as well as governments worldwide. 译文:这项运动涉及高等教育机构、医学界、制药公司、批发商、药剂师、包装行业以及世界各国政府。

95. The Grand National, Britain"s premier steeplechase, was abandoned amid scenes of chaos yesterday, after 31 0f 40 horses set off round the Aintree course having failed to notice a second false start signal. 译文:伟大的国家,英国的第一步,在混乱的日子里被抛弃了,在40个钟表中的31分之一结束后,有了一场不停的赛跑。

96. Another common feature of most religions is the belief that after their life on earth, people will have some kind of afterlife. 译文:大多数宗教的另一个共同特点是相信人们在地球上的生命终结之后,还有某种来世。

97. In the UK, police seized almost a million pirate videos which had been illegally recorded last year. 译文:在英国,警方查获了去年非法录制的一百万个海盗视频。

98. The attack comes just eight months after the tennis player Monica Seles was stabbed by a spectator with a kitchen knife on a court in Hamburg, Germany. 译文:这次袭击事件发生在网球选手莫妮卡·塞莱斯在德国汉堡球场被一名观众用菜刀刺伤仅仅八个月之后。

99. Although there are now a huge number of different religions in the world, there are certain basic things that they almost all have in common. 译文:虽然现在世界上有很多不同的宗教,但它们几乎都有一些基本的共同之处。

100. Captain Keith Brown, the starter, was booed and jeered as he left the course, at one stage under a police escort. 译文:上尉布朗在警察的护送下离开球场时遭到嘘声和嘲笑。





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2023-06-30 #经典句子

英语学习建议:高中生提高英语阅读水平 可用这2种阅读方法

英语学习建议:高中生提高英语阅读水平 可用这2种阅读方法


2023-06-02 #经典句子




2009-06-29 #经典句子




2023-11-12 #经典句子

中考英语阅读真题长难句分析 提升英语阅读能力:第1讲

中考英语阅读真题长难句分析 提升英语阅读能力:第1讲

#中考英语冲刺#阅读是英语考试的重中之重,对英语阅读中的长难句理解是攻克阅读的有效方法。本文将着重讲解中考英语阅读真题中的长难句,希望提高大家阅读能力。第1句1. When he returned, the boy was able to describe everything he had s...

2023-07-14 #经典句子

中考英语阅读真题长难句分析 提升英语阅读能力:第2讲

中考英语阅读真题长难句分析 提升英语阅读能力:第2讲

阅读是英语考试的重中之重,对英语阅读中的长难句理解是攻克阅读的有效方法。本文将着重讲解中考英语阅读真题中的长难句,希望提高大家阅读能力。#中考英语冲刺#第1句:1. Frost thinks kids don`t find the experience of being taught by ...

2023-08-02 #经典句子



摘要:以色列小伙朱利安·梅尔瑟(Julian Melcer)每天早上都会出现在以色列海滩,他捡拾烟头,把它们变成艺术品;他也给烟民们讲述烟头的危害。Julian Melcer lives in Tel Aviv, Israel. He cleans Israeli beaches every morning. He picks up cigarette b...

2007-08-05 #经典句子



时文摘要:特斯拉已成为当前国内乃至全世界新能源汽车领域的龙头。然而,伴随着它的销量不断暴涨、话题热度的不断提高,关于特斯拉质量问题、安全事故频发的负面消息也不断发酵。The Tesla company makes semi-automated (半自动...

2008-08-24 #经典句子