
只属于你的深情句子 越看越喜欢 适合收藏


Chaos, scattered, everything is over, about love, MY ignorance of the severe 你的微笑,是良药,对我异常有效Your smile, is the me

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Chaos, scattered, everything is over, about love, MY ignorance of the severe.


Your smile, is the medicine, to me very effective


It"s just a puppet show, even if you have to cry, tears, but also to flow real.


Some feelings entangled for a long time, to later you have not clear, in the end you are to love, or to win.


I really want to sleep all the time, because the early morning sun is dazzling, so I can not see the world.


I"m so stressed out when I"m with you!Who made you so good!


Believe in love like a fool, and finally kick it out like a fool.


Lovelorn when always feel each sad song are telling their own story!


Just once. I"ll show you the world.


Don"t say fish without tears even if flow into the whole sea you have no idea.

别让自己受伤太深,放手给他碧海蓝天有何不可 他非你良人怎知你情深。

Don"t let yourself hurt too deeply, let go to give him blue sky why not he is not your lover how to know your love.


The flower shop closed, the flowers continue to bloom, but the flowers will always wither, I also have to run out of everything

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