
高级甜蜜文案 浪漫至极 赶紧收藏起来~


你怎么说?I like you over there in my native language What do you say?你明明很忙,什么时候有空和我结婚?You are obviously very

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你会弹吉他吗? 为什么打动了我的心?

Can you play the guitar? Why does it touch my heart?

那边家乡话的我喜欢你。 你怎么说?

I like you over there in my native language. What do you say?


You are obviously very busy, when will you marry me?

像你这样的人! 除了恋爱我没有别的事要和你说。

People like you! I have nothing to tell you but love.


This is the back of my hand, this is the back of my foot, you are my baby.


Only when you have spent too much time with yourself are you qualified to desire love and get love.

“既然你搅乱了我的心,你打算什么时候搅乱我的床? ”

Now that you"re messing with my heart, when are you going to mess with my bed?


It took all my luck to meet you in my lifetime.


30 night firecrackers rang again, I did not miss you to the extent I really derailed, like you and all of you every day.

我最近有点忙。 我在忙什么。 很忙。 我喜欢你。

I"ve been a little busy lately. What am I up to? Very busy. I like you.

“面对你,我不仅很理解人的心情,也很理解人的衣服。 ”

In front of you, I understand not only people"s mood, but also people"s clothes.

我认为你的本质是书。 否则,为什么我越读越想睡觉?

I think your essence is a book. Otherwise, why do I feel sleepy the more I read?


He who keeps company with you will be red.


I wanted to see you before school started, but then I stopped thinking about you.

空气中有烧焦的气味吗? 那是我的心为你燃烧。

Is there a smell of burning in the air? That"s my heart burning for you.

你知道我为什么怕你吗? “不知道”“因为害怕妻子。

Do you know why I"m afraid of you? "I don"t know." "I"m afraid of my wife.

你知道你喜欢喝什么吗? 我会照顾你。

Do you know what you like to drink? I"ll take care of you.


You mess with my heart. When are you gonna mess with my bed?

你知道你和星星的区别吗? 星星照亮了夜晚,你照亮了我的心。

Do you know the difference between you and the stars? The stars light up the night, you light up my heart.

你能闭嘴吗? “我没有啊。 “那为什么我满脑子都是你的声音呢?

Would you shut up? "I didn"t. "Then why is your voice all I can think about?

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